EFS, Army Group Center AAR Turns 1 & 2 June 22-25 1941

Northern Sector:

In the 1st turn 7th Pzr 25th regiment over runs the infantry in hex 3028 the rest of 7th and 20th Pzr advanced to Alytus.

12th Pzr advances upon Merkine. 18th brigade of the 18th motorized advances and secures Grodno with the 4th SS regiment in support. 30th regiment of the 18th pzr moves to flank 29 Tank. Northwest of Grodno infantry and AT units press into a series of attacks.

The key strong point Junction of Avgustov is assaulted.

Near Zambruv there is a series of attacks 10th and 29th motorized press towards Bransk 18th panzer crosses Lesnar river, the 4th panzer goes around Brest toward Kobin.

This is the end of the combat phase, at the end of the motorized phase-

In the North 7th and 20th panzer approached the outskirts of Vilnius 12th panzer is at Varena 18th motorized is at the Junction of the Merkus river. 18th motorized also has occupied Grodno.
10th and 29th out 5 hexes East of the border Byialstok is still further north of Brest.
3rd 4th 17th and 18th panzer head North East to Lake Chemoye and Bereza.

In the Soviet turn they pull back and placed blocking forces where possible ….

Turn 2 June 24-25.

Losses as at end of Turn 1:

Mostly chaff, but the Arty will go towards VP’s.

Starting with turn 2 the Germans received 12 ASP none of them are lost but due to poor management of transportation they languish in the back field.

Will need to double check but these guys have outstripped general supply, unless we can tap Northern ‘edge’ that connects to AGN.

In the South 3rd pzr. is rebuffed by 30 Tank in the woods near Ruzhany 17th Pzr overruns forces in their area and moves through to Kosovo .
4th panzer passes through the town Ivatsevichi [troops laid out for their mobile assault]:

In the center Nurshet river is cleared and the East and approach to Grodno know is also cleared

In the North the 20th Pzr overruns and clears units from Vilnius a 7th panzer mops of the remnant emeny enemy units.

Pre Combat, the Germans press hard and go deep. They are strangely stymied south of Grodno however.

The Vilnius – Grodno sector

Grodno – North of Brest.

Note also that the Soviets received no reaction movement in turn 1,2 or 3

The Germans attempt a huge encirclement –

In the South Brest is finally taken and the main road North East is cleared during the motorized phase.
East to the Grodno-porozoyo-Brest line is cut off from supply that is, any supply Eastward.
There are number of mandated attacks in turn one.

Interestingly for the North sector to advance we require a rail link either via Varena and Vilnius which means we require 9 x’s of rail converted or we would need a link from Grodno no to Verena which is 15 hexes distance.
For the South to continue the line needs to advance to Bereiza that’s 11 hexes otherwise this will limit any advanced for the German army to the BeloRuss border. Notably every unit in the Polish -German border

The Germans earn 8 VP total for Brest, Grodno and the unfulfilled mandated attacks.