Waterloo 1815 June 16 PM [Turn 4]

Game Turn 4.

Start of Turn 4/End of Turn 3:

Detachments and HW’s

The Allies place the HQ back and on their movement sides for range needs. But possibly miss an opportunity to get some benefit from the stars of the leaders. The French are all in attack mode. Probably not smart. And probably too far forward. The net effect we shoot for here is a ‘threat’, and in the moves we now want the Prussians to retreat and the Allies to go with them OR retreat into their own groupings. By being adjacent to Wellingtons Reserve right off the bat, this forces the Brits to consolidate. Note they are now well away from the Supply zones. They do get reinforcement next turn. But we are in reasonable shape here to really take it to one group or the other, we still need kills or a clear road line to Mon st Jean. Can I get a good cav unit up there to hit them?


Note Move 3 is illegal we fix that. It must be inside the range of the leaders. I should have kept Nappy on his 8 side to give me more flexability.

After a few more moves, we end up with the following situation prior to combat:


The French as always attack first. We focus on Wellingtons Reserve, as it is both the biggest threat and we get about the best chance to beat them. If we don’t, we run the risk of them attacking us at significant benefit. The French only earn a retreat, but thankfully the Brits are all jammed up, they have no where to go so they are blown [ off map for two turns].

Then Ziethen, I guess decides he has had enough. So he attacks! He fails, must retreat, but cant! Blown.

That leaves the French with the pesky Perponcher! We spare him no mercy. They die to a man eliminated.