TTTW: Turn 0 Continued


“They have sent forces into Norway.

Yes but what a few special forces and skiers? Says the President of the USA

‘Sir, no Sir, this flash indicates more than two divisions.’ Countered the reporting analyst, he continued

‘Regiment sized elements weave thru the steep Arctic passes, and helo units capture airfields and ports.

At the same time Yugoslavian radio is reporting Soviet tanks on the outskirts of Zagreb! What have you done Sir!’

“Over the course of the next 48 hours Italian armoured and Mountain troops have taken orders from Rome to activate and cross the border!

The world is going mad Mr President!

Aggressive follow on attack and moves place Italian units in the front line of WW3, as the Yugoslavs collapse, and are almost ready to surrender!”

“Who activated Article 5? God Damn it, stop them we cannot attack Russia as NATO??!” Says the President. “This is not what I planned on happening? ”

Persian Gulf Region

Meanwhile in Persia, Russian forces are now actively supporting the ‘insurgent’ rebels and seeking to maintain control of the capital. They have forces headed directly for US forces on the coast.

Can we take the port?

The Soviets worried about aggressive Turkish moves, pre-emptive strike through the passes, throwing back the light troops.

Western Europe

Headlines blare across the radio and TVs as Soviet armoured columns pour directly from barracks to the border, traffic piles up, civilians are caught in the ensuing chaos.

But West German forces are quick to respond. Within 24 hours forces are actively engaged in defending their homeland one more time. Hamburg is a focal point on the gateway to the Northern plains. A solitary airborne brigade is all that holds back an entire Soviet armoured column from 11th Guard

The opening assaults without assistance from the Soviet Airforce struggle to make headway.

Article 5 is rubber stamped, but even then the Fulda gap forces fall quickly but 5/III and 12/III rush to fill the gap. V corps calls in POMCUS resources and long dreaded plans are placed in action. Actions and reactions happening in a cascade.

The Russians are not phased however they press home attacks, capturing Hamburg, and the forces there. They make an example of the Western German para, allegedly elite units that held up the Soviet attack and inflicted such grievous damage by placing heads on spikes of dead and capture combatants. No quarter is given.

The Soviets prepare to attack 11th Division near Bremen and consolidate their isolation of 1/1 and 2/II, but leave their lines dangerously thin.


“Where is my bowl of gummies? I need a gummy right now. I, I don’t feel well, Im going to lie down on the presidential sofa, get out. All of You.”

The SECDEF says ” But Mr. President we need to call back the troops from Iran, we must give orders to our European troops, support our allies and send reinforcements. POMCUS sites have been activated did you give that order? Mr. President, Mr President. ”

Snores echo off the walls and the men and women arrayed to support the most powerful man in he world all look at one another. No one will say it, but glances and nods are exchanged.

From here we will switch to AAR format.

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