TTWW: War Turn 1 Soviets action

War Turn 1

Weather stuff, mild and clear all the way around.

Nuclear restraint

Norwegian Seas disputed

Deep Strikes on Italy placing 10 units out of supply and destroying air steps and cratering was a modest success. B-52s strike deep in western Europe and place 2 crater strikes.

NATO forces and US B-52s hammer Soviet airfields. Which will have knock on effects in game tun 2 as they crater landing strips etc.


Zero breaks for the bad guys comprehensive Flak pushes away airborne landing attempts. But 74th Guard lands successfully.

Western Europe

Naval landings north west of Kiel surround 6/JUT.

2GA pulls back to regroup. But 1GTA and 4GTA press home against 11/1 WG.

2/III WG is isolated North East of Kassel and The East Germans and Poles want to make themselves felt as the war heats up. Poland’s entire army attacks Berlin Garrison, and the EG work with Soviets to attack the French south of Kassel.


The Soviets press reserves into the zone, and land forces at Trieste and prepare to attack into the Italian border.

Heavy air strikes were largely effective for OOS but did little damage on the ground troops. Soviet airborne land in Trieste, and begin surrounding front line forces in NE Yugoslavia [Solvenia region], All reinforcement presses towards Italy. Seeking a means to quickly capture VPs’s push the Yugos out of the war and secure the South.

This will open up options to enter Austria, and Southern German or cross the French alps and enter France that way. OR just amas a lot of VPs from cities captured until such time as the NATO forces come to Italy aid, thereby weakening the Western Front.

2 thoughts on “TTWW: War Turn 1 Soviets action

  1. Very cool write up. This is a game I should get on the table or Vassal soon.

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