Storming the Gap.

Map 1 – Soviet Planned approach

Officers & Gentlemen, of the 8th Guard. As we have practiced and rehearsed for the last decade, you will recognise this map and the routes for Plan Zhukvo-2c

Our mission is to drive hard for the bridge, secure it and the approaches and of course destroy the enemy. To date resistance has been light as we expected. Stay vigilant. The Motherland relies on you to protect her from the infection of the West. It is time to finish this and dine in Frankfurt!

Scenario Outline: 1 Storming the Gap

In the American Field van “Ok fellas listen up, our red friends think they have us on the ropes, Bad Hersfeld is where we make them pay. “Allons”

“Allons” came the cry over the company net. 1/11th ACR the infamous Black Horse were about to re-earn their reputation in full. Charlie company was a hodge podge of stragglers, reinforcements and core members reinforced with 2 platoons of M1’s. rumour had it a newer version would soon be available, but today…..Today they fought with what they had.

“Pancaldi you got eyes on the enemy yet?..Pancaldi..damn it boy are you even awake out there?” Said Lt Smith, he hoped his voice sounded calm and not as nervous as he felt.

Hey Lt, BigMan, I mean Charlie Actual I got it .. I promise when I see them I’ll let you know… I also want you to know I don’t agree with killing nobody for nothing….” Said Pancaldi.

“This is Captain Newell, shit can the banter.”

“Roger that, and I see 8 AFV, designation T-80 range 2100m, reference grid Alpha 23. 11.” Drawled Pancaldi.

Figure 1 First Activation after Soviet entry

‘Charlie 1 select targets, fire at will.’

As the 105mm SABOT rounds streaked across the lush green summer country side, the 3 tanks all 50+ tonnes rocked back in unison.

Tank Leaders reported in, ‘suspected 1 kill, no kill, no kill confirmed’.

But the Soviets halted at the edge of town, surprised by the volume of fire.

“Woods East 1800m, 3 targets, moving fast.” Yelled, Pancaldi, “Lt can I return to the scout vehicle… I’m taking fire”

Lt Smiths driver shouted “shit sir they are everywhere!”

“Relax son, Pivot 40 degrees, sabot up, FIRE! Pancaldi, get your ass to cover!

Figure 2 Turn 1 Activation Order

The Soviet Guards Tank were not a punching bag! They quickly recover and push 125mm round back at the M1’s. their fire is selective and discrete, not wasting their precious 36 rounds on board.

Figure 3 Card sequence

Too far forward, Lt Smith’s tanks were pounded by fire from two sides.

They retreat to the relative safety of the woods.

Figure 4 End Turn 3

Soviets invest in covered movement and suppressing fires

Figure 5 Cards for Turn 4

The Soviet commander Petrov, yelled into his battlenet – “Now..Now close… take them. ” He roars.

4 tanks advance from Smiths left flank and close to 100-150 m, attempting to overrun the position. Fierce fighting with HQ elements chipping in, push them back…but barely. Smoking hulks of T-80s litter the field and allow the tankers to re position.

“They are going to come again men… we cannot retreat, if we do,we are sitting ducks. The TOWs are not going to be enough to protect our move to Phase Line Alpha. Load up, fire at will when they come!”

Smiths men burn thru rounds, moving and firing, literally dodging the enemy among the sparse trees, taking shots on the run, and flanking to fight off 3 waves of 3 tanks. Burning hulks obscure vision, and targets. Ammo starts to run low for both sides in a the wild melee. They lose first one tank, and another is damaged.

Figure 6 End Turn 5

“Charlie Bravo to Actual, our leader is down, assuming command. Screete.”..silence. This is Charlie @, I’m alone here taking heavy fire, we will take the bastards with us!

Figure 7 Turn 6 situation

Figure 8 End turn card play:

The M901 on the slope spotted the T-80s’s investing the township. Lt Gerbino, and his men quickly lined up the targets from their vantage point. Oh his command they fired. Shots that struck home bloomed in fireballs destroying the armor like so much papermache soaked in lighter fluid.

“Move out, require targets and fire at will’ said Gerbino. We got them now!”

‘Sarge..Sarge, Lt Smith just brewed up..we are fucked!”

“Can it pip squeak, shit happens. You wanna live for ever? Hahaha.. sounds like a line from a movie. Now shoot those bastards before they shoot you son!” The tough talking Sarge, moved down the street to the next TOW team, to deliver the same message.

Figure 9 Turn 8 Soviets are ripped off!

Petrov, surveyed the scene. His firepower was so diminished that he could not mount an effective offense and cover the advance at the same time. 66% casualties, and at least one platoon, suffering losses. He would have to report back to the Colonel that he had failed…

As the Russian units withdrew to over-watch positions. The rag tag bunch of Team Charlie from the 1/11 cheered. The Captain had said the Germans were on the way, to reinforce and support them.

Figure 10 Card sequence Turn 9

Figure 11 Field situation at game end.

In the distance, from the East, they heard the all too familiar whine of tank engines and heavy bat of chopper blades headed their way. Someone yelled Hinds inbound!!

Figure 12 Kill count

7 thoughts on “Storming the Gap.

  1. Glad you have yours while the rest of ours sit in a warehouse in Colorado. 😉

    And you better get good with these new rules so I don’t beat you when we play right out of the box! hahaha

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