DAK II June 1941

June 1 & June 5th

June 1st, the Allies move the Greek Campaign along 1 step and 2 Divisions are now trained. – 2nd NZ & 9th Aus.

Allies waste supply on an opportunistic attack that does not go well! Costing us a step and 6t.. what a stupid waste.

Weather is clear for the 5th of June Turn.

Malta Raids inflict 2 SP losses on the Axis.

The Allies pullback, and move Western Desert HQ out to Sidi Birani. They also bring replacements on and begin trekking to the same location in anticipation of Tobruk falling or the Axis advancing past it!


June 12th – the Axis close in.

The Allies reorganize and realize they have not withdrawn all the units they need to. WE fix those errors.

The Event for the 15th, forces us as the Allies to attack, as one of Churchill’s mandatory attacks [he is almost as annoying as Stalin in that regard.].

We sneak in with a armoured unit and capture an airfield to fulfill the obligation. This of course ends up horribly. We manage to ease out of Acroma, but the units from the 5th LE make short work of the brigade. I think tho as the Commonwealth forces build up in July it will be time to look for a counter attack.

As the Germans are singularly focused on Tobruk, versus moving past as was historical and trying to bomb/starve out the Tobruk defenders. Nor has he started any sort of bombing campaign to reduce the port capacity yet!

June 22nd Raids upon the Malta Convoys destroy double the usual SP!

German and Allied moves:

June 26th Sandstorms rage across all maps. We skip the turn and allocate SP only.

July 1st:

4 thoughts on “DAK II June 1941

  1. Kevin, OCS is one of my favorites and I played the original DAK many years ago. Called you the other day to touch base but never heard back. Wish you and your family a Happy Holiday.

  2. How did that one attack you hghlighted go wrong? Looked like at LEAST 3:1 odds and the German unit was surrounded!!! Was an “exchange” the result?

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