12 thoughts on “Your input welcome and desired!

  1. Going on vacation, I’d say that’s the perfect time to just take a Vassal-equipped laptop and leave those boxes and baggies at home. Better yet… enjoy your vacation and take a break from gaming.

  2. Every time I try to game on vacation, I get shut down HARD by my wife or the grandkids!

    1. Spend quality time with your grand kids and wife your impact on them will be felt through their entire life

  3. well, since ya want me to say something, I have been playing baseball board games from STRATOMATIC, APBA, STATIS PRO AND HISTORY MAKING BASEBALL.
    1908 cubs beat the Tigers 4 games to 1, just like they did, Cubs DP was effective with Evers to Tinker to Chance.APBA game.
    Cubs defeated Padres in 1984 PTP game 3 games to 2, now take on 84 Tigers in Series.
    1969 season ready to restart after a several year rain delay, Cubs are 26-14 in first…exactly the same record they had in 69.

    been playing some wargames too… a great game by Forbidden games VICTORY AND GLORY NAPOLEON.
    Guns of Gettysburg, julius casear, Age of Napoleon,

  4. Have a great vacation. I would be interested in Tabletop Battles. The idea has left me cold, but there might be something there.

  5. Hi Kevin
    I really enjoy your videos. It has been particularly brilliant to follow you during lock-down – your October War stuff was great – a game I always enjoyed which I never thought got proper attention. I`d love to see you look at a Marshal Enterprises game or more of the GBACW. Frankly, whatever you do, thanks for flying the flag for serious wargaming. Enjoy the trip.
    Rich Hughes, London UK

    1. Funny you mention Marshall I have Quatre Bras here. Im thinking of using Marie Louise rules with it. Trying to set up an opposed play

  6. What about some of those easy one mappers from LnLP like Totensonntag or Dawn’s Early Light? Small footprint, multiple scenarios, light rules, pretty tight play.

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