DESIGNER NOTES – by Keith Tracton
Hi everybody, I want to address the many posts asking which nationality is in which game. This is not a strictly Storming the Gap designer note entry but since it is the first game in the series, if you will allow me I will take the liberty of segueing for just this update.
The concept has been that each game is planned to spotlight a major nationality or two. Also, we went with the nationalities that were in the old series as a primary starting point. Then we adjusted to have some fun. And though the many, many great ideas for additional nationalities are wonderful (keep ‘em comin’!) There are only so many games planned so far. We are in fact trying to portray a strategic story around the globe, and the games hit some major potential and hypothetical hotspots.
But I can tell you this now: if we did every nationality you all suggested (again, GREAT stuff!) there would be no box big enough to contain all the counters. Think about it: you guys are asking for a battalion to a division of forces for each nationality mentioned – that’s roughly the size a spotlighted nation gets – at a platoon tactical level. That’s a LOT of counters.
That said, I have a spreadsheet that has 450+ unit types for all nationalities that can be easily added to, as new equipment is needed for nations, if we do not already have it on the list. BTW, my main source for equipment types is The Military Balance 1985-86, and I reserve the right to use any equipment in the “Ordered” section for a country. Lucky there was no back then: “I’d like three Infantry platoons with their M-2 Bradley IFVs delivered via drone, please…yes, today…no I WON’T pay extra, I have Amazon PRIME…”

Here are the planned Volumes, and all the nationalities therein. There are no promises made or extracted that these will stay the same but it is the plan.
Some nations show up in more than one game because the games are each standalone. You can choose only the games and areas and nations you WANT to play.
1. Storming the Gap – The Fulda Gap and beyond – West Germany, United States, East Germany, Soviets (Oh! And possibly the stretch goal Czechs! We will see!)
2. Blood and Fury – The North German Plain and beyond – West Germany, United Kingdom, Denmark, Soviets, Poland
3. The Untold Battles – The Low Countries and beyond – West Germany, Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States, France, East Germany, Poland, Soviets
4. America Breached – The State of Texas, USA, and beyond – United States (Army), United States (Marine Corps), United States (Texas National Guard), United States (Local Police), Civilians, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Chile, Cuba, Soviets
5. Strike Force Africa – Angola and beyond – South Africa, United States (Marine Corps), UNITA, FAPLA, Cuba, Soviets
6. Red Lightning – Sweden and beyond – Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Poland, Soviets
7. When the Lion Roars – The Golan Heights and beyond – Israel, United States (Marine Corps), Syria, Iraq, Soviets
8. Red Dragon Rising – Vietnam, Taiwan and beyond – New Zealand, United States (Marine Corps), Australia, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, China, Soviets
In my head there are a couple more (cough….Korea….cough….Japan v. Soviets on Sakhalin Island again….cough). But nothing is set in stone except Storming the Gap. Waiter? Bring me the Czech, please….