The Outpost September 1942 /Narrative

Last Hundred Yards – Solomon Islands

‘Sarge. I got a question.’ A pock marked skinny kid named Seegert squeaked from under his helmet. The lad was young, pale and had dysentery by the looks of his pallor. Most of them did, food was in short supply clean water was a problem and the bugs just about killed ya.

The burly China Marine everyone called Gunny rolled his eyes at the same time he rolled his unlit stogie around his mouth. ‘Shut your pie hole and start again. Its Gunny for the last time. Not sarge. Now shut up, take Reed and yourself back down to the creek and refill all them water bottles. Stop asking stupid questions. I’m already tired of your stupid and you aint been nothing but a boot for a few months now git.’ The words flowed like water over a hot plate, spitting and sizzling.

The boot private looked back at Gunny, then over at Reed who was currently gripping his rifle tighter than he could clench his ass, thought carefully about his response, and mumbled ‘Aye Aye Gunny. Lets go Reed, go get the squads canteens.’

Gunny could see the two lads pissing and moaning about the task. They had seen too little action to date, and not really lived up to the Marine ethos, but a few minutes in the jungle along down the torturous trail would make sitting in a foxhole waiting to get shot at feel a lot better.

He scanned the trail ahead. Mines had been placed, those few they had. He had great field of fire and enough lads to hold off twice his number. Assuming they could avoid being flanked. That there was the hard part. Damn Jap everywhere. Which was why they were on the reverse slope, nestled in the thickest jungle he could find. Sitting top side was going to earn him a knee mortar in the face. The Lt had the MG and one squad at the other end of their little roundtop. They had a nice field of fire in daylight across the Kunai grass, but at night… Damn it would all depend how quickly they could get illum up. It was risky but Gunny had seen the Lt handle himself well. Now it would be up to the Jap to come where we thought they might.

Alverez saw them almost as soon as his LP did. A darker shadow in the pre dawn pitch black.

A sound not of nature in the distance had given away the approaching enemy, who were attempting to stealthily approach thru the grass and up the main trail split in a dual column. A sharp eyed Pfc, heard and then saw the darker shadows against the cloudy setting moonlight.

45 seconds later the illumination shell exploded and gently floated in the sky. For a moment all was revealed in stark contrast. A horde of Japanese soldiers froze momentarily. ‘Light them up! ‘ roared Lt Alavrez.

‘Call that pre plot in now, fire for effect., fire for effect, gimme al you got!!’ He said. The whumping and swish of 60mm rounds crumped down into the soft ground. The MG chattered, and tracers lit the night turned day. The Japanese scattered. But not before bodies were broken and flayed.

“I need more rounds on target, Fire Control.’

‘No can do at this moment we have a competing fire mission. Stand by for 2 minutes.’


Back on Gunny’s sector. They too could see dark shapes flit against the tree line and contrast to the trail. ‘Wait boys, wait…let them trip a mine then give them hell.’ Gny whispered.

‘Eyes, down do not look at the flash, here it comes’ he said. Boom! A trio of mines exploded then all hell broke loose. Screams from the Japanese, the ping of empty M1 clips ejecting, the rapid thwat, thwat of 30-06 rounds penetrating into trees, men and dirt.

Then silence. As night vision returned, and the smoke from weapons discharge cleared the Japanese who were not dead or dying were gone. ‘We got ’em good eh Gunny’ crowed a private.

‘Not good enough fellas, not by half. Circle up, I fear we got the real fight yet to come. But this time Gunny was wrong.

Last Hundred Yards – Solomon Islands

Lt Alverez was frustrated, and angry. Two minutes was life time. Mortar support had evaporated and the Jap had scampered to ground, his MG team trailed them as the moved out of sight and up into their right flank, raking their rear men. He thought he saw another section of them head to his left also. Surrounded.


‘Luttman take your boys and post up rear security. Corporal Allan get that MG oriented on the mine field and the rest you, heads on a swivel and call out what you see, others keep quiet. Its pitch black out there.’ He said to the men at hand.

They were set a few moments later, green, but well trained these men knew their tasks and were well led.

The Japanese appeared again, with their leader exhorting them on they charged through thick dark tangles of trees and vines directly at the Marines from the right and left simultaneously. A full squad of Japanese ran into and through the minefield, explosions tore legs, feet and bodies apart. Then Alvarez’s men kicked in the BAR. Spraying mayhem.

The charge evaporated, the MG team quickly pivoted to support the left but that attack never materialized.


Except for the clunk and clank of water bottles and canteens being hauled back up the trail. Reed said ‘Gunny I got a question…”

Gunny glared again. Smiled and said ‘get that canteen over here boy, and get about your business.’

The Japanese if they had continued would have overrun the Marines and forced them off the outpost location. They had gotten lucky this time. The sun began to shed its gentle light through the trees as Marines checked minor wounds, reloaded guns and dug that foxhole just a little deeper.

Today was a new day. They had survived. Time to prepare for the next fight.