The Persians in The Fate of All face some high level choices to be made in a campaign game. Against Alexander one of the first things, I suspect needs to be done on turn one is fomenting trouble at home for Alexander. Or at the very least begin the process of doing so. This is achieved via the bribery phase. Where up to four Talents can be spent to influence each relevant province.
A talent in the old days was about 63 pounds or 29 kgs of silver or gold. This means in today’s dollars we are talking upwards of $2 million to the bribed official. Real money. In those days the equivalent of decades of pay of an official.
The Persian team has the funds to invest in seeking to move the needle every turn on key ‘battleground states’ and even their current allies.
Influencing Lakadaimon [Sparta] can set up an opportunity for them to revolt so to with Thrace, who despite being firmly Pro Macedonian can be influenced. If these are moved over time to the 2nd level of Pro Persia [far right of the image above] and the other criteria met; then the table is set to roll for revolt.
A seven [7] or more on a 1d10 [40%] will see a revolt occur in States that are at the number two level of Pro Persian support [+2 DRM]
The Persians with four talents spent a month per candidate can roll with a basic 50% chance of success each time of a diplomatic conversion occurring. We elect to try that for both Lakedaimon and Thrace. The Spartans ‘scream show me the money’ which the Persians do. They slide closer to their Allie of opportunity!
What about Alexander? Well with such limited funds he must husband resources in order to keep the troops happy, maintained and fed!
Great stuff! I imagine the Spartan response to the offer was a laconic “Yes”