Turn 1
Stalingrad ’42
This time I play the Soviets. Surely he [Steve will face all the same challenges I did right?]
Great opening attack. Piles in gets the exploit / breakthrough attack and carries on!
So this is what a solid T1 looks like. Full retreats for every one and he even bounces a few retreated units.
Further south the pain continues
But here the 45th calls for a determined defence and holds the line at some cost.
No air, and no elite bonus and no HQ’s.
End of German turn.
We roll back units, and attempt to give Ful Retreat units a break by screening.
Big turn.
Soviets roll back and we look for better dice from the ‘TOTALLY RANDOM ROLLER ROLLED 5/6 6’s VASSAL die roller.
Yeah I spilled my milk, but it was pretty fricken hilarious. Never seen that IRL.
“Do you know the way to Voronezh?” Can’t you just hear Dionne Warwick singing that?
Don’t get me started on that Vassal 1d6. I’ve had that happening in my ongoing Flat Top game for two weeks now, where I get the “rash” of 5s and 6s for searches, and the 1s and 2s for attacks. Almost always “four in a row”. As you say, ~totally~ random!!! But almost as if, on cue!