Scenario 10: The Gütersloh Pocket T2

Turn 2

1st Formation card End Ops!

2nd is – 3/248th


HQ goes on Inf.

Tank Fires 3^4’s[point blank ] HE fire at Inf in F9.

Elim with 2 hits no saves.

BTR advances and takes opp fire, to no effect, the units consolidate and the Shilka joins them.

NATO tunes up and close assaults the city hex. Recapturing the hex. The BTR and Shilka retreat.

The West Germans attack again.

NATO realizes its close assault ability even with vehicles is better than shooting. They close assault and get a double activation. Losses start to mount for Soviet forces. At the start of turn 4 the Soviets have lost three units to NATO’s 1

NATO goes first, the scorpion and marder both fire at the infantry in the hex with the T-64! – E8, disrupting and reducing!

The HQ and Inf attack and kill the Marder. The Scorpion retreats into the city. The Patton on the other hand uses the two activations to wipe out both infantry platoons on the right flank and put a disrupt on the BTR! Stellar work. The HQ moved to them and help in the 2nd activation.

Turn 5 off the bat – 2 end Ops game over Huge win for the NATO side with 5 kills for two, total control of the town as well. I think the Soviets were done unless they could wipe out some units earlier, and use their forces more effectively. Savage aggressive play by the West Germans saves the day.