Scenario 10: The Gütersloh Pocket T1

Turn 1.

See update from HERE

Card #1 – End Ops,

Card #2 Soviet 3/248th.

So now there is a 33% chance of an end turn, which would be good for the Soviets, as it would prevent the WG from doing a back to back move and exit!

Right flank soviets move.

Inf moves from South to assault. Takes Opportunity fire from the Scorpion, who misses. The Assault goes in. The soviets connect and disrupt, but the fierce defenders push them back out and reduce and disrupt the invaders.

The Shilka moves 1 and fires, the Tank moves 1 and fires.

Both miss or NATO saves.

2nd End Ops.

End Turn 1

Note we pull 1 End Ops card for NATO.

On to Turn 2