December 2, 1805
“Unable to prevent the two Russian armies from linking up, Napoleon ordered La Grande Armée to fall back and selected an area near the town of Austerlitz to make a stand. Next Napoleon sent his aide Savary to negotiate an armistice and deceive the Allies into thinking that the French lacked confidence, and in the meantime his soldiers prepared defensive positions.
On December 1st, the Allied army arrived with many of its commanders excited about the possibility of destroying the French army. After heated discussions, the Austrian Chief of Staff General Weyrother’s plan was accepted as the course of action. Seeing the overextended wing on the French right, General Buxhowden would launch a series of columns in force against that wing and turn it, rolling the French back northward. On the Allied right, General Bagration would press forward and hit the French from that side, while the center would hold steady and keep the two wings linked. The Russian Imperial Guard, commanded by the tsar’s brother Constantine, would be held in reserve and respond where it was most needed.
On the other side, Napoleon was ecstatic when he saw the movements of the enemy army. He had purposely weakened and spread out his right flank in the hopes of enticing as many enemy units to that side of the battlefield as possible. Only Legrand’s division of Soult’s IV Corps formed the right, but Davout’s III Corps was enduring forced marches to arrive at the battlefield by the next morning. Napoleon’s plan called for the right flank to hold its ground as well as possible, forcing the Allies to commit more and more troops to that flank. Then, when the time was right and most of the Allied troops were engaged on one of the two wings, the other divisions of IV Corps would storm the Pratzen Heights in the center, smashing the Allied center and breaking their line. On the left, Lannes’ V Corps supported by Murat’s cavalry was ordered to not attack too forcefully to ensure the Allies would not send reinforcements to that side. Instead, Lannes was to contain Bagration, engaging his troops as much as necessary to ensure they could not interfere with the assault on the center. Bernadotte’s I Corps would form up on the center left, able to assist with either the center or the left. Oudinot’s grenadier division, temporarily commanded by both Duroc and Oudinot, and the Imperial Guard were held in reserve.
That night, as Napoleon rode among his troops, the French soldiers lit torches and shouted, “Vive l’Empereur!” despite having orders to not light torches and give away their positions. The fact that the battle would be fought on the anniversary of Napoleon’s coronation was not lost on the soldiers, and morale was high after the impromptu procession. ” – Source
5 VP @ 1PM Coalition
9 VP @ 1PM Fr
Generates auto victory.
0600 the Allied coalition has 3 activations they press forward aggressively, but spotting range is only 2 hexes. Each formation has 3 counters to ‘hide’ its true location.
AG /1 Column nd 2 Column move.
The visibility is still 2 hexes.
8 activations this turn. 4/1/4/1.
Davout takes 2 as he has some issues to contend with.
Kienmayer advances into Telnitz Line of Sight.
White uniforms emerge from the fog.
Left Wing Langeron advances on Kobolnitz from the SE, they have strong 6-8 rated Arty and Jaegers.
Davout uses strategice movement?
Inf fire exchanged both sides missing.
0800 – 3 hex range LOS
Advance Column uses a Arty barrage on Telnitz, the French play Fast Fire card routing the Austrians !! The Grenadier IR 15 routs away. One f the strongest units in that formation. This effectively ends the advance in this sector.
Goldbach bridge is fought for via a cavalry skirmish.
Follow on attack earn a -1, -3 which ends up being a QFT R [morale check and retreat] … They rereat one hex and lose a step.
IV /2C fails to activate! Soult takes charge and spolts # Column.
2C activates and fires, 2 Column actvates and rallies.
Visibility is 4 hexes.
Davout activates, Allies activate 3 Col. The French activate IV columns. And V Corps also moves. We change our orders for some units. Giving them a little more lee way.
1000 Vis=6 hex
Soult gets into action 2:! Attack int Pratze routing. Knocking 4 steps. V Corps attacks.
Bagration knocks out steps in melee with Cavalry! Besseries destroys the two RW.??
Soult activaties a 2nd time however only the Kobolnitz attack goes well. Pratze falls and units there rout.
Lannes breaks Bagration
Coalition resigns.
This wing is utterly smashed in combat. The Guard units chew thru the forces with great ease. Oh glory days!!!
This move will close off supply and allow VP capture and isolation of the Coalition forces by Lanne.
Excellent system focused on tactics and strategy not facing and morale check for ANY and EVERY action LOVE IT.
Looks familiar! I seem to recall getting pretty well wrecked in that one.