Overlord, The Killing Ground

June 6th 1944

As a learning exercise, I will execute the Utah beach landings and got through the five phases for day 1. Day one, June 6th is a unique sequence of play, and unique mini set of rules. Which unfortunately has you as a net new player hopping between 3 booklets, and a few charts to sort things out. But we managed.

US forces are arrayed in a series of stages where Bn sized units land.

Stage 1

Each unit landed makes a roll against a table subject to modifiers for the Resistance level of the beach and obstacle/obstruction levels also.

The First and 2nd Battalions [Bn] are first ashore, after a modest ineffective bombardment cycle by the navy.

Lets just say that the table is not the landing forces friend. It is VERY hard to get ashore in any semblance of organized state. In the VITW system [Victory in the West] usually units in enemy ZOCs will have to conduct combat. Here Bn sized units are to forced to do so. Well as far as I can tell anyway. The Weapons nests also have special rules too. So we lose 1 step getting ashore and our undamaged chaps are disorganized, meaning they fight and defend at 50%. Ouch. Germans in their turn can only move 1 independent unit and may begin rolling for ‘release’ of forces who are all locked in place to reflect the historical situation. No forces release turn 1.

Part of the process on day one is rolling for the weather for Day 2 and seeing if the Orne River Bridge is captured intact. The bridge is indeed captured and we can expect Heavy Rain and overcast skies. This will limit air support on the 7th of June.

All the 101st and 82nd Airborne land. The 101st lose 2 steps and 3 are placed under reoorg markers and 2 are disordered.

The 82nd Airborne lose four steps. The 3rd/ 506th scatter to St Mare Eglais and are reorg’d as are the rest of the 506th. 2/507th scatter to 2716, the 1st is reorg’d and the 3rd loses a step. The 508th 1st & 2nd reorg and the 3rd is disorganized. Quiet a mess.

We now can for each landed unit reorg recover, move one hex or attack. Paras may not attack or move on turn 1. 1st Bn 8/4 can rally or attack? It would a be a risky 2:1

Attack both units are halved. An attack result would yield a 1D/2-1. The heck with it we run the attack. Lose a step and wipe the enemy nest out. Helping to clear the beach zone.

2 8/4 holds the line

We execute recovery/rally for the paras.

Phase 2:

Elements of 8/4 land Taking a Disorganized while 22/4 lands unscathed!

82nd Airborne glider Regiment lands.

They and 506/101st inflict heavy losses upon 1058 of the 91st Division situated in St Com du Mont. Pressing them towards the outskirts of Carentan. It was a risky 3:1 attack, but heck we got to go!

Other attacks by the Paras see losses on both sides as key towns and roads are sought out.

In the German Phase Groups 8 & 6 activate and elements of 709th and 91st move.

Stage 3

12/4 suffers under the landings pretty heavily.

The 101st finally link up with the 4th and they combine to remove some weapons nests and light garrisions, but at some cost. Du Mont is taken and the 795 OST proves to be a tough fight also.

The Glider regiment finishes of the 91sts remnants and closes on Carentan.

Stage 4

DuMont is attacked again this time at a healthy 7:1 which still inflicts a loss on the Allies! The 795 is wiped out and Marcouf fights on reduced to one step.

With nothing to stop them, 82nd Glider III enters Carentan, as the 352 failed its activation roll. The 101st move up in support.

At the end of Stage 4 the Allies have secured a beach head and are well on their way to clearing the links for supply to the Airborne. However, several formations of Germans have been on the move, and they are closing in, on what amounts to some depleted and reduced formations. It is not all wine and roses.

Stage 5

The Germans close in, and look for good odds attacks where they can chip away at the invaders.

The 82nd take heavy losses and retreat to l Abbe holding the bridge there, as 91st and 243rd combine to beat them aggressively. Similarly the 709th are building a strng defensive line and might be able to combine for a swift counter attack on the 7th if they can secure supplies for supporting arty.

Note that Groups 5,6,7,8, and 9 all have activated by this time also.

The end of Stage 5 and the DDay landings ‘mini scenario’. All straight forward. It would be a larger effort if we ran all four beaches but this was a great introduction to the landing process. I found other than a few minor quibbles everything played smoothly.

Turn 2 should see the 4th Division clear the last garrisons blocking a connection to the 82nd and if they 82nd can hold for a turn they can be reinforced. The push to Cherbourg will require significant reinforcement to be effective. So too will any efforts eastwards of Carentan.


2 thoughts on “Overlord, The Killing Ground

  1. IMO one of the most beautifully executed wargames ever published. Just finished Landing Phase 2 and it’s a bit grim for the Allies so far. Doing the whole OL/TKG campaign again, or at least that’s the plan.

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