I have to tread lightly here….these men mean business.
They mean it. No drama!
They do things because..well because they want to.
They dont want the pressure of making money….No really.
Apparently all the other companies they currently make games for :
GMT Games, Hollandspiele, Compass, One Small Step, DG Games, World at War, S&T, Counterfact and ATO….sigh well you get the idea. Its a long list. There is toooo much drama there. They want to make games and not worry about I dunno what making money. Like I said I cant say anything, ’cause this is the Mafioso of Grognardly design.
One cross word…its a horses head in your bed or at the very least a lot of clippings!
Maybe those other companies dont publish enough, soon enough, fast enough?
Maybe those other companies do not develop their product full with lots of play testing and skilled developers to guide the designers?
I guess shortly we will find out. Here is the first one out of the gate and then a Ty Bomba remake or reboot:
Now, I’ll be all for this ‘don’t take it serious we aint in it for the money gambit as long as,
The games are playable, fun, well produced and well priced…oh..wait? $79.95 PRE ORDER?
Wow…. now that is for sure a serious price, from these all for fun blokes!
So I will have my big boy pants on when I buy, play and reflect on what I got for my money.
Oh and I for one will be taking what you deliver to me seriously. We can be jocular as we sell and market and make the games. But I’ll be expecting a serious response to any issues, concerns and material problems for that price!
I’ll be expecting good things. Seriously.
I hope all the guys do well here, and manage to fulfill all of their obligations to all of the other drama ridden companies out there and make gaming great again for all of us sad sacks ;).
I’m a barrel of laughs, lets have some!
Their Facebook page
and a kickstarter is coming soon.
HAHAHA! Nope! Passed that up so fast my wallet didn’t even have time to say “thanks”.
Rightful doubts, but to me it sounds like a rebellion against the low profit share (in some cases ridiculously low) most publishers typically give to game designers.
Not mentioning the fact the designer must also renounce to the copyright of his “creature” in favour of the publisher.
Seems difficult to find decently priced games these days. GMT P500 is about all I’ll do these days. Compass, MMP and others regularly asking $60-$100 for games. I can understand for a monster game but not for your basic 2 maps and 2-3 sheets of counters. I’m not feeling the value in war games today.
I wonder how much as Fabrizio says rev share is a part of this? I’ve heard horror stories of 4% being paid to designers or worse games as payment. Maybe that is what it takes…or maybe that is why designers all try and start their own publishing houses.Either way its about a quality product to my door at the end of the day.
Yep Kev, 4% of NET sell price is more or less the industry standard. If a game is sold at an average price of let’s say 70$ and sell 1000 copies, the designer’s share is a whooping 2800$, excluding taxes.
I presume top designers have maybe a better treatment, but who knows.