New Channel !!- Steve Dolges

Hey gang,
Whenever I meet or see new wargame focused channels, [sometimes I mess up with that sharing like last year…doah.] I generally like to share them with you.

Well tonight, after checking bona fides properly this time i.e, chatting to said vlogger and having just missed meeting him by the barest of margins [he was at Game On! in Seattle this Feb]

I’m glad to share Stevens channel with all of you!

Currently its new with just 11 videos. He lives in Seattle and he even plays games with his wife, Ralph Shelton and that guy…Jeff Newell …you know the game umpire wannabe guy [:)].

Steve [may I call you that?] is focused heavily on meaty systems – WiF [World in Flames] via Fatal Alliances, GMT COIN games, then some lighter CC:N , Successor etc with the Mrs and his cat is a counter sheet stacking holder!

So take some time to drop in say hi, check a vid or two out and give him a share and sub!