
June 4-7th 1942


For quick overview:


For in depth reading grab Hornfischer and Toll’s excellent works on the decisive action at Midway in their fine series of books.


Those of you who have read anything about the Pacific campaign know of the carnage, massive loss of life on both sides and the amazing stories that come from these actions.  It is worth taking a moment to honor their sacrifice on this day.


The Midway Monument is located on Midway Atoll at the north-western portion of the Hawaiian island chain. Erected in August 2015, the memorial is managed by the American Battle Monuments Commission. The inscription reads: ‘The United States of America honors the courage, sacrifice, and achievements of the American armed forces who successfully defended this island and its surrounding seas against the Empire of Japan during the period of 4-7 June 1942. Outnumbered and outgunned, they withstood savage bombardment, fought back, and carried the fight to the enemy. Daring air strikes in the face of fierce resistance sank four enemy aircraft carriers, turning the tide of World War II in the Pacific. After the Battle of Midway, the United States and its Allies forged ahead with ever increasing strength and confidence to final victory, securing the blessings of freedom and liberty for generations yet unborn’

What titles best capture the story of Midway for you?

10 thoughts on “Midway

  1. If I don’t want to read a book, can’t I just watch that brilliant movie that recently came out and learn all about it this important point in WW2 history? 😉

    1. Pete, don’t be “that guy” who doesn’t want to read a book!!! READ A BOOK!!! I find that reading a good history of a battle really deepens my enjoyment of a game I might be gearing up to play on the same subject. Try it, I’m sure you’ll agree!

      1. LOL! I’ve prob got more books than I’ll be able to read before heading off to the Big Library in the Sky! None are specific to Midway (not a huge naval fan), but many cover the Pacific Theatre. HP Wilmott has some great reads that are at a ‘Pacific campaign’ level.

  2. Last Stand is a wonderful book but focuses on the battle of Leyte Gulf in 1944.

  3. A second boost for Shattered Sword. Reading that really gave me a sense of clarity about the Midway campaign. And it was well written and entertaining, even in the midst of the heavy numbers and analysis.

  4. “A Dawn Like Thunder” by Robert J. Mrazek recounts the exploits of Torpedo Squadron 2, which included ill fated Devastators and the only TBF Avengers involved at Midway. The story goes beyond Midway to the Slot battles, but has a good treatment of Midway. The Author made a point that the failures of USN commanders led to the losses experienced, including failing to find and rescue downed crews. It was covered up until the 80’s. Has anyone ever heard this? Doc Lee

  5. Agree – shattered sword is one of the best books on any naval battle and Midway in particular

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