Korsun Pocket 2: Move to Combat Feb 3 AM

Opening situation.

You can read my thoughts on game plans for Scenario 4 or watch online here:

Our focal area. Units slog through mud, pay two mp for every hex, mech/motorized pay three.

In go the attacks. The Soviets have no effective Counter battery efforts. The Germans take out a Soviet battery, preventing final protective fire.

III Pzr elements and 34th Div attack into the swampy SW of Shubenyi Stav the attack may have been a bit of over kill with arty at 9:1.

Eliminated. Elements of 34th attack South of the same village where 133rd and 167th link up to each other’s flanks. The attack goes in at a base 12 v 9 with 8 Arty added. The German Engineers negate the dug in status, but not eh village effect. They pick up 2 regimental bonus and use 1 air to eliminate the enemy.

Orange shell shots show final attacks. Red arrows show 16th and 17th Panzer movement. The string of three attacks all go in with heavy rocket support and arty support from VII and IIIPzr giving minimum 5:1 odds on each attack [no German loss possible]

Here is the successful Counter Battery against Soviet supporting arty. While there are no rules per se for making arty calls only to organic and attached elements.

Bake, Renz and 198th clear the line of villages.

All attacks went through effectively with no loses. Soviets were not so lucky-

The German advance to the SE was also successful, pressing on the Chizkovka-Rysha line.

End situation –