Korsun Pocket 2, 5th Feb AM

German units go through supply routines for the day. Those found to be out of supply or in limited supply remain so until the PM or Night supply check ins.

Mud…Mud..Mud. This is why it was so important for the Germans to press hard and get to and across the river BEFORE mud sets in and deep mud follows. Using the historical weather we ‘know’ what the weather will be, just like any officer who listens to his meteorologic team. WE can at least know with a fair degree of certainty. Here its worse. Not only is there mud which adds movement costs to all terrain types but Fog also. Thus depriving attackers of effective arty and any air.

To compound matters that’s going to be the whole day and night. Then on the 6th the Soviets finally realise what s up and free units of positional restrictions and starts to also see an entire new Army arrive for the Soviets. During this time the Germans continue to reinforce and adjust lines on the left and right flanks, while doing what they can to pressure and cross the river.

During the day the Soviets drip feed units into the breaches, and the Germans make consequently weaker attacks, without strong effective arty. They do make the Soviets pay a price where the rail line cross the rive with both 34th and 198th doing a lot of the heavy lifting against some tough Soviet armour and infantry.

The Germans have paced engineering units in locations to ‘rebuild’ roads once the deep mud hits and clears, so that supply disruptions are minimal and placed bridges over streams to facilitate swift internal lines of movement.

4 thoughts on “Korsun Pocket 2, 5th Feb AM

  1. Building supply routes and keeping them serviceable to feed your breakthrough – it sounds very interesting. I have never heard about similar rule in other games. And it is from 1979?

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