5 thoughts on “In Da Houz!

  1. I tried to get into Norway with Case White from Europa.it just never clicked. It just didn’t have a cohesive plan for the Allies.

  2. Hi Kev – thats great to hear. I picked up a copy a few months ago. While said on the box that it had English rules they werent included so I downloaded a version. Its an interesting mix of components and a topic not well covered – there’s probably more modern war campaigns via games like 2nd Fleet and DNL than the actual 1940 campaign. Had not come across the publisher either. Looking forward to seeing it on the big board. M

  3. Sadly, I couldn’t get into Europa’s game on Norway. They changed scales for the units, which meant a whole lot of stuff to unlearn.
    Case white was tough as it changed over to ( I think) half weekly turns rather thang half month turns.
    That system could be fun for some of the other games but eventually the system broke down (unlimited supply, NODLs).
    Western desert was good and so was Second Front. Balkan Front was a great game to learn the system. I spent a lot of time 30 years back playing FITE/SE.

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