Hoarder or Boarder?

Where do you sit? Hoarder or Boarder? A game buyer or a game player?

Are you one of the old school folks from the 70’s who allegedly played 55%-75% of his or her titles and did most of that solo aka like a SPI crack junkie playing every release ASAP?

Or are you as was alleged back in 2006 by John Prados, more of the collector. The nouveau wargamer, who barely plays 5% of his titles?

WHAT? I find this hard to fathom or believe. Let me ask the beloved reader – Are you one of these people that buy and really do not play at all?

What percentage of your games have you played? What prevents you from playing more? Do you WANT to play these wargames? Are they all just :


What is todays Post Modern Wargamer doing with his collection of mighty titles?

Where are you along the owned versus played spectrum?

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What percentage of your wargames have you played at least once?


Are you buying everything that comes out? Or are you building a thoughtful collection of titles to cover your interests?

Do you rely on the same designer to deliver  your gaming goodness or are you branching out, trying new designers, new modes of play, new ideas?

As you can see this Prados article got me in a bit of a tizz…. So I went to see where I was at based upon BGG statistics.

Am I a Boarder or a Hoarder?

A few years back I know that I looked at my growing collection and assessed that I had a played to owned ratio of about 45%.

Despite a savage cleansing last year the collection of games has crept back up to the 380 range…Wait…but wait… REALLY!!! Part of the problem is I have “HAD” to buy certain titles to do this bloody Chronological Walk Through of WWII . This has saddled me with a LOT of games I just have not been able to flip away about 124 in fact.

So with that really weak excuse what is my played to owned ratio?  54%. If we look at total games owned/sold and total plays of those : 55%. Hmm so pretty consistent. I think that is a solid effort.

What about you? Join in, and vote on the poll above, its all anonymous.

5 thoughts on “Hoarder or Boarder?

  1. I came down at @58% played-to-owned. Kind of low considering the small size of my collection. But it would be a lot higher if the main items of interest didn’t keep so involved in (re)playing them!!!

    I *intend* to and want to play everything I own. I don’t see the value in “collecting” or hoarding.

  2. I actually have played the majority of the games in my collection…over the past 40 years. In the past three years I got reenrgized in the hobby and bought too many games but still managed to play them. This year the Mrs asked me to slow down. She is right; too many new games getting only one play. So this year I changed my gaming strategy and challenged myself to replay all the Charles S Roberts and Origins and Golden Geek winners in my collection (about 50 games).
    You know what? It feels good. Going from Hoarder to Boarder has a certain satisfaction about it.
    I still have too many preorders and Kickstarters but as they deliver I feel fewer will replace them. I now understand it’s the play that’s important, not the shelf space.

  3. I was happy to see that I’ve played 17 out of my 25. I was also happy to see that I’ve pared my ownership down to 25 games. When my new game table arrives in a month or so that number will start to climb (both games owned and played).

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