Yep..they are across that Western Canal. The good news tho is this effort has diverted the main thrust at the Maas. I may have spotted a means to slow down the offense, near Eersel. If I can lure the Allies deeper to the swamps, and wait until he presses further North then spring the counter attack we might be in luck.
The Guards take a couple of EX results. The tension for the Allies is pretty high now, he is behind historical progress and the efforts to crack the Maas have not progressed as fast as he wants.
The Fj’s stay around near Helmond and look to cause trouble and tie up resources.
Traffic markers help slow down the Allies as well.
The Poles land…I’m going to kill all of them.
We successfully attack into Nijmegen cause a flutter of reactions, and the Germans occupy Best and approach Son. Well at least temporarily.
Break thru, a blessing in disguise. This gives me an excuse to retreat for a ‘reason’.
Quiet a messy party, but the Brits and US are closing in Nijmegen! If they can bring those British armour units etc to bear it might get even tighter!
Prior and Future posts:
Part END:
Part 5 :
Part 4:
Part 3 :
Part 2:
Part 1: