Lets now turn to look at each sides plans. Our goal is to play thru the opening scenario and then if it is interesting and or worthwhile we will expand the game play on into the campaign.
French plans:
French have a command rating of 7, vs 4 for the Germans.
Higher Intent of both is Defend Stonne and screen 19th Panzer. While the French plan was to attack Sedan [which is to the NW].
A1 /I&II 205th and 4th BCC have simple orders defend Stonne. The 4th BCC will form up in company stacks and attempt to create some kill zones. Upon failure the forces will regroup South, though more likely they will all execute a stand a die versus running in the open.
III 205th R.I
Company I will emplace at Intersection @ Grand Cote
Company II @ Point 222
Company III Woods North of Stonne
Failure: La Grange du Mont +/- 5 hex
6th GRDI move order to La Vivier to the bridge and South of Pt 202. Then seek to implement a Hasty Defense. Fail order : Le Vivier.
Pre Plots 235/222/Village/232
If the game goes beyond the open assault we will require orders for the other units. They are listed below:
45BCC Move East to Candrieres, and stage Counter attack co-ordinating with I-67 @ 1300 HR. /FAIL=South Edge
I-67 Stage @ South Edge woods and attack with 45th BCC. Attach 3-49BCC. Attack @1300. //FAIL= Sth Edge
2-67 Attack Stonne from the SW up the main road with 1-2 49BCC in support and use smoke to cover advance where possible. Attack @1300 thru 1600. //FAIL=Edge of Woods south.
1-2 49BCC asttach to 2-67.
16 BCP & 42 BCC attack Stonne from the left Flank south of Point 339. //FAIL= SW Edge entry point.
1-57 Attack Stonne directly @ 1400. //FAIL=South Edge.
German Plan of Attack.
Each formation was given two plans and we odds/evened the roll. Below are the final plans rolled up.
Plan Alpha
I-GD Advance and assault Stonne. Attach 1PIO & 2nd PIO //FAIL=Ogne
IV GD Support I-GD attack from LOS friendly and supporting fire range. Cross attached to support IGd and II-GD //FAIL=Ogne
II-GD Move SE to woods junction from setup area and link with 4-II-8 [armour] and assault from the SE
III-GD Eastern path Advance into Stonne after it falls and establish a Hasty Defence sheet.
4-II-8 of 10th Pzr attach to II-GD.
Abt. 90 +Pzr Lehr move to La Grange d Mont.
3Pio Opsheet – move to bridge @ 188 for Flank Protection. Establish Hasty Def, op Sheet. [min,10 accrual turns]
Upon success for the Germans @ ‘0600’ Implement new Op Sheets:
II-GD ideally at 0520 move to Stonne 46.12 for HD Preparation perhaps0700 start?
Two defense lines : 43.17-36.10 & point 250 to 235. //FAIL= Raminose
III GD Move to Stonne assess value of PD vs HD sheet.
I GD Hill 330 – Int Grand Cote move into that area around 0700.
The defense will build two lines one from 20.20-27.15 and another around Huttes Ogne. //Fail = 235 Point
Pio will move to La Raillere
4-II-8 Reserve mode.
GD???? I’m lost. Help me out here….
STIGLR – please see1. the Tags. 2. teh cover image has GD ’40 image with publisher name. the TCS system from MMP.