Combat! Game play overview Play #1

Teams Charlie and Able’s job led by Sgt Taylor were to finish up their combat patrol and seek out the enemies forward area.

They have seven turns.

Red and Blue teams are arrayed, several dummies will be present.

To get a feel for how far and fast things move I chose Run & Gun as a cautious move forward to start.

Germans receive their random orders.

Top of Turn 2:

So within one turn we have closed to the business end of the action. Connor on the right has cleared the VP location [ a building] on the left Crowe awaits the rest of the team to pull up and support.

German Orders placed:

Weapon fire breaks out across the advancing line.

Taylos shooting is effective with 3x shots he nails the advancing German and puts him basically out of the game.

3 dummies were spotted this turn, which evens things up a lot.:

Why the Mg 42 advances alone…. I dunno. Gung Ho I Guess. We allocate 1 too many Light wounds as Suppressive fire cannot ‘hurt’ just forces morale checks.

Turn 3

This time as the bad guys close it is good for us to go first so we can shoot and chew them up first.

Taylor takes a light wound [ since he is Tough he gets to pick the least of two card draws. NICE!

Turn three wraps with right flank consolidating and looking to move fast to meet German expected reinforcement. On theleft they wait as they continue to take out bad guys!

Turn 4

On the left the enemy is now at a distance and we can run Crowe up under cover to the VP location, with covering fire from Taylor and his buddy.

On the left last turn fires were exchanged and KIAs given. The Right flank goes to sprint.

Turn 4 German reinforcements are savaged:

End of turn 5 and man its over. There are no real combat effectives left on the map for the Germans. All the VP locations will be covered by end game.

Good fun.

My first game.