Hi Gang, Kev here,
In the past I’ve been known to post a few reviews, play quite a few games and punch out some content weekly for over a decade.
Recently Scott Blanchett aka Grunts Review and I had a chat and he wanted a place, now that he was retired to share his experiences wargaming!
I said why not share here? He and I had conversed a lot over the past few years about games, games systems we liked, talked about ‘stuff’ . So he did!
So much to my wonderful surprise, he is here in full force! Scott is on a mission to play through his collection [much of which I was responsible for giving the thumbs up to!] and share his experiences.
Scotts out-put is amazing! So hang on and enjoy his succinct, erudite and pithy reviews. The man is a machine.
So please comment, like and enjoy his work sharing with us his experiences.
In fact I might just go on vacation for a month!
This brings me to a point. A while back I had expressed a desire to slow down on my posting and dig a little deeper into the narrative, gameplay mechanics, and comments on systems. That combined with some allusions to selling our house which would mean a series of moves – temp rental, then construction then move in, seemed to be guiding me to a slower cadence. Much of that has now changed.
With construction prices spiraling out of control, we have tabled building for 6-9 months to let supply and demand sort themselves out. In the meantime we are going to do some modest updating, and then relist our house at some point in the near future. While this does not bode well for large scale monsters, I should be able to #rolldice on the regular in my war room.
As I write I’m sitting at 9800 feet, in a cabin and I have a swag of games with me. The Mrs. God Bless her is leaving on Saturday AM….early! From then on I have nearly two weeks to myself with my trusty mutt and a fistful of dice!
My goal is to run through a scenario from Jim Day’s MBT from GMT Games using the Brits in a meeting engagement.
Then run the Scorpions in a Bottle scenario [mini map sized 11×17 ish] from Third Winter from the OCS system printed by MMP, and or China Intervention in Balkoski’s Korean War deluxe edition from Compass Games. Then if we have time take a stab at either the campaign or Case Blue scenario from Russia Besieged deluxe edition, also from Compass Games.
So while I am digging into all that, Scott will keep you entertained and informed, I will check wifi signal strength and if its good we can maybe do a little live streaming.
You will note in my header I was going to ask for assistance. Here it is.
I really enjoyed interviewing new Youtubers. I found them delightful and energetic. Super cool. I dont believe I can do that weekly going forward.
However, I would like to continue so!! My ask is to send me candidates to reach out to. Their channel name will do or BGG handle. I ran through and booked all the once I would from your first outpouring of suggestions. Time for round two. Please email me at bigboardgaming@gmail.com with suggestions and candidates who might like to be on the show.
Happy doggo! Nice to see you have a real life.
LOL. of course I do !!