Hi folks.
So what did everyone get upto last weekend?

The news was miserable. I turned that off. I tuned into the Saturday afternoon live chat fest with Rob Oren, IDjester, LNLP and all the gang. But the main focus was gaming and #rolldice !!!
I got turn 1 of Across the Bug River… Which I’ve started calling Bug River.
One thing I recall from the Aachen game was turns were long!
The initiative rolls each activation are something that requires a modicum of focus. Did I flip that to Soviet side? was it +2 or 4 DRM?
Plus you have the management of formation activations. Just how far do you push, and when do we ease up and ‘top up formation activations’ for next turn.
I’m finding the combat to be bloody and challenging. Simple to execute. Difficult to good odds, especially as we see masses of Improve positions. I suspect isolation and command cuts are a focus I need to develop quickly for the Germans. The Soviets have done a very, very good job so far of layering the defense.
I also spent quiet a bit of time reviewing what is upcoming to the table. I was considering Norway 1940 or Helsinki 1918 [which I had abandoned play for prior, due to rules lapses, basic CRT 101 stuff.]
I have had Pacific Fleet out for about a year. I’ve now read the rules once…. I’ve unfolded the maps several times… But now…!! LOOK:

Actual clipping.
I’m playing Berlin 85 online and DAKII online still. Both are moving along ok.
I’ve eased out of the CNA game play as I was zero value add during my illness and the non ‘zoom’ time sink was becoming significant. A few other side projects are languishing as well.
Over the next few months I am still hoping to get caught up on back filled posts.
A lot of narrative AAR’s, a Carthage 3 player AAR, and a host of other things.
What did you play this weekend folks?