Write ups! A thought or three

I’ve had a productive day today. We are at the start of the 6th of Feb for the game play of Korsun Pocket 2.

I’ve now written up notes and taken shots of the game play to date. Plus I’ve got a historical comparison to share via the text book I’ve been sharing from.  It follows the action pretty closely. So we can see where our paths have diverged and or merged historically.

All coming along nicely.

In the mean time post July 4th I’ll be sharing some game play conducted via VASSAL with the BCS system. I’ve found a buddy who is local to play with online. We may end up getting together to roll dice at some point soon too. I have one other game of BCS languishing because of my tardiness and errors. I really find the accuracy required and discipline of make sure its ‘all exactly right’ far too time consuming. Its on one of the down sides of non face to face play I think. Casual errors are missed, where a real opponent can go – ‘oh hey, that wont work, what about trying this?’ Or ‘hey dumbass its 1 mp per track not a 1/3 of an MP..’

Recently I picked up a couple of PBEM games with two new blokes, who are very nice. With PBEM its all ‘aww gee I think you fucked up…no I didn’t..umm, yeeha you did. aww shit,…’ re do the log file, or in my case TWICE we had to restart a game of Stalingrad ’42, because I’m a dufus. UGH. Thankfully we swap files maybe once a week so I can focus and try and not make an ass of myself.

I’m leaning towards live play on VASSAL or TTS.  But that takes lotsa time and our crowded space means I’m inconveniencing the Mrs, not only then, but when I record video and talk to myself while I play! :).

What do you prefer?



Face to Face ?


Ok gotta jam, I’m off to see a wargamer buddy who is moving to Austin from Seattle in the future. Gunna show him around a bit. So I’m driving to Austin in about an hour. Keep gaming and #rolldice.



4 thoughts on “Write ups! A thought or three

  1. My preferred order would be:

    1. Face to face

    2. VASSAL

    3. Solo

    Unfortunately what actually happens is the exact opposite order 🙂

    I do enjoy VASSAL PBEM for what it is though. You can have a few games going at once and there is no pressure to be somewhere at a specific time.

  2. I have tended toward solo play when a game first arrives to figure out the general flow of the rules, and after that would rather play FtF, and have given up on all the various forms of PBM, electronic or physical. Just too much hassle and less fun.


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