THE VIKINGS ARE COMING! From the Newsletter @ Worthington games:
We are preparing to launch our next Kickstarter campaign as soon as we get back from WBC August 10. We’ll be sending notification on what goodies you can expect as we are lining up stretch goals and some good rewards.
From Scandinavia they put to sea in long boats and discovered America and new places. They traded in the Mediterranean, the Middle East and exotic locations. They settled in France, Russia, England and many other lands. They raided everywhere.
This is what inspired Vikings to travel far from home. Fighting dangerous seas, foes and each other, they would go anywhere, anytime and in any weather.
The Viking leaders of these expeditions were called Sea Kings because of their skills in traveling uncharted waters to destinations few knew. And they wanted to be King, back in their home lands.
In our game Sea Kings, you are one of many Viking leaders seeking fortune in the unknown with your long boat and crew. Do you have what it takes to be a great Sea King by making new discoveries, settling hostile lands, crafty trading, and raiding with the fierceness of a Norseman? If so, seek the throne and make it yours.
They also mention that the KS program for New York 1776 has completed shipping.
“End of Empire Replacement Counters will be
in the mail on August 7th.
Breaking the Chains Suppliment Kit will
start to ship on August 14th. Should be called a repair kit…but the fundamental problems are not addressed. Which is a pity because there is a pretty interesting game there.
On August 20th Silent Wat and Imperial
Japanese Navy Shipping Begins.
On to Paris Franco -Prussian War is
available for preorder. On To Paris! uses a wargame system adapted from Victory Games’ “The Civil War” to simulate the grand events of the Franco Prussian war (1870-71) and challenge players to control the leadership, organization and military operations of Armies and Corps during the later 19th century.”
I am very curious about this title and would love to know more! Anyone? No BGG listing, no images, no rules….I am not wasting my time on CSW to find the game. If anyone has a link I’d love to learn more.
Note spelling errors etc are all from the newsletters not me!
Sea Kng looks very interesting… Hope to see more info.