Africa Front Wargamers @ the Tactical scale – HEADS UP!! Now available for pre order Panzer!

Panzer North Africa is designer James Day’s newest game in his acclaimed Panzer system of World War II small-formation armored and infantry combat. Now players can take command of armored formations of German, Italian, or British forces and refight key engagements in the North African desert from mid-1940 to late 1942. For Panzer veterans and newcomers alike, this stand-alone game requires no previous ownership of other games or modules in the Panzer series.
With the addition of a few new hex and title games for P500. GMT clings to its wargame heritage, as it moves inexorably towards become a Euro game orientated company. If that pays the bills and funds a few great wargames a year I’m all good.
Of note – EFS Army Group Center goes to print shortly. Despite my miss giving’s I am re ordering my thrice cancelled pre order…because damn it why not.
If you ever wanted a copy of Battle for Normandy, now is the time to pre order the updated or deluxe version. Which has a range of unspecified updates to maps, and counters. I dont know how I feel about this one. I own it and think its a fine game for what it tries to do at Battalion scale. Be curious to see how quickly its printed.
VG’s Vietnam is going to print in July! I’ve seen the counters and maps up close. Its a keeper even if you never play the damn thing. Allow 2 people 2 days per turn! Just saying.
Of course big news that we all knew was coming is a print date for Mark Hermans Pacific War.
I was in love after my first play, cannot wait to see this thing re done. Of course detractors and complainers are upset about the map orientation. But hey WHICHWAY IS UP IN SPACE! As an Aussie I like the invert approach and it provides the player with an excellent player interface or if opposed you can both site opposite each other and still read the names. thoughtfully and artfully done.
Ok, lots of other news from GMT but those were the key ones for me.
Over at Legion Heart of Darkness is garnering some solid player comment as it was just released. Looks very cool for a non wargame, exploration motif. Chivalry at Bay is a new CPO there. Now this is an odd looking game and just might have some pretty cool mechanics under the hood.
From the site:
The Hundred Years War (1337 to 1453) was a dynastic struggle between the English house of Plantagenet and the French house of Valois for control of the French throne. Armies from across Europe would ally with these families, spreading combat as far from Gascony as Scotland and Portugal. Chivalry rose and fell on the backs of personalities like the Black Prince, Charles the Bad, and Pedro the Cruel, fought over battlefields at Creçy, Poitiers, and Agincourt. By the end of this period, the military code of chivalry would be in ashes and from those would be born the nations of England and France.
Chivalry At Bay is a low to medium complexity game depicting many of the individual battles that made up the Hundred Years War. Players control armies involved in each conflict that attempt to drive their opponent from the field of battle. Each battle can be completed in roughly two hours, allowing several battles to be played in a single sitting. The game takes several novel approaches toward simulating these eighteen individual battles:
16 battles. with this unusual column based approach using ranks to simulate waves for forces, and a bucket of dice resolution. Very interesting. I might see if I can secure a review copy at a discount and if possible I’ll play and do a giveaway of it.
Compass Games.
I dont know where to start and I cant keep up….LOL. Seriously.
South China Sea vol II just released, the South China Sea reprint released and shortly
NATO Cold War Goes Hot! is shipping. GET IT. Defending America, Grenada and a The Russian Campaign 1974 Edition reprint! Thats SOME of what is coming.
“Recognized as one of the finest wargames ever published and winner of the 1976 CSR Awards. Enjoy this remake of the original 1974 Jedko game covering the Eastern Front during World War II that is short on rules and playing time. The Russian Campaign, Original 1974 Edition is a true wargaming classic that serves as a great introductory wargame.”
I eagerly await a raft of Modern titles from them all dealing with Hypothetical WW3. Its a trend get on it.
Over at smaller publishers. VUCA games announces Across the Bug River is available.
ORDERED! Should ship shortly.
From the site:
Across the Bug River: Volodymyr-Volynskyi 1941 is an operational level simulation about the fighting during the first days of Operation Barbarossa in the Volodymyr-Volynskyi region. The goal for the German player is to break through the Soviet defence lines and open the main road to the East.
The game is intended for two players but is suitable for solitaire and team play. The game is played in a semi-interactive way.”
They have a US shipper so no EU shipping fees! Yipee. Excellent production values and a clean rule book.
VUCA games sent me a comp copy of their Across the Rhine and I loved it so I am happy to be buying this one!
Another East Front title I just ordered….yes on a bit of a tear here. Russia’s War
An interesting approach with this one. A collaborative effort with the backers, and playtest opportunities. The catch here is the focus upon Soviet counter attacks, that are rarely covered… So sucker me is ALL IN! this game comes from Fellowship of Simulations.
Finally – Vento Nuovo Games Orange Swan also launched on KS.
I wont go too much into it here. I’ll be doing a interview of Emanuele today in fact. At noon Central on Youtube live. If you want to play WW2 with block at the Strategic level this and Black Swan are what you need. I enjoyed Black Swan.