Ok..So if you recall we are trying to giveaway these two titles from VentoNuovo Games . why these games? why VN? Well GMT has all the press it needs, all the fans it needs and has never expressed an interest in doing anything fun over here, so why not someone different?
VN is a company that is daring to be different. My impressions of the company – that they are innovative, daring, passionate and risk takers was confirmed when I spent some time with Emanuele while in Rome. I was fortunate enough to see the very first prototypes, look at his research, see the test kits and the work room where he hand crafted the game design.

So its seems worthwhile to me to be able to giveaway some of this goodness to readers of The BigBoard.
The details, we had 3 posts – Post 1 , Post 2, Post 3. Each correct entry or answer here or on Facebook, gave you a chance to be in the running. We tallied entries, created a list and generated a random number between 1 and 42!
Good odds!
Without further delay, shall we hit the high note!
Mike Curtis won our prize!
I will let everyone know when he has it in his hot little hands!