Waterloo 1815 Turn 3 Part B

This scenario replay continues from Part 1 here: 

As the moves continue, the Allies triangle of force anchored by Pirch , Ziethen and the Bulcher main force is slowly constricting my movement. The French have attempted to hold the cross road too long , and reduced their chances for flexible movement.

I’m hoping I can keep enough units out of ZOCS to give me some extra moves. But as we shall see that is a forlorn hope.

Welly ignores my weak lunge on his right and powers in his Reserve and Orange and Hill. I may have boxed my self up real nice!

Now things are really starting to feel boxed in. Most of my planned attacks are now going to be less advantageous. He has his Cav in place, men in towns and a leader.

The French dither around looking for him to pass, so they can attempt to get some good odds on the fist attack.

Orange and Hill want a piece of the French. There it is, he committed.

The Coalition pass, and we earn 5 extra moves. We use 3 of them to closeup and surround Hill. This wil be the first attack we do. If we can bounce him or eliminate then we will have three corps to Oranges 1. He will likely counter attack with Orange against Gerard.

On to the Attack Phase.