modern wargames hex and coounter

War Turn 1 Air Superiority Zone 5 Round 1 [/3]

Continuing from earlier posts #1,& 2. in Under an Iron Sky:

NATO forces are out matched on paper, more jets, more missiles and more pilots attack their multi national contingent which for years has had a decaying sense of urgency to maintain thier skill, technological and tactical edge.

Will fighting for their very lives be enough to evoke the sense of urgency required to dredge up the well tuned fighting machine that was developed early in the cold war?

Here we can see Zone 5 and Zone 6:


NATO does well! Despite some unlikely results they hammer home, training kicks in and the kill 4:1 and damage or waive off enemy Mig 21’s, and even the vaunted and feared ‘Floggers or as they are officially know Mig 23’s in all classes and variations burned out. For now the skies are clear of Soviet craft in and around Hamburg. Superior precision and decisive action from pilots of the Luftwaffe defend the skies bravely and drive Czech, Pole and Russian  fighters from the skies.

US designed F4F, F16A and Mirage IIIA;s gave as good as they got. This is not to say there were not casualties, highly trained, impossible to replace pilots were lost at an alarming rate as far as EUCOM was concerned. How far could they push, and how many more aircraft did the Pact have?

Once fighters are committed they must stay for round 2!

German Luftwaffe clear the sector!

In Zone 6,

In this round due to either the layout of the enemies forces, or the limited availability of quality fighters the NATO forces had several RTB’s and a few hits.

A second round will be required. The US jets took out a full squadron Mig 23 ML variants with their F16A’s, primarily due to the fact that they had already suffered from accurate AA/Flak SAM attacks.

But in the South in Area 7, that will be the telling tale, as we are not defending Soviet zone 1, just heavily defending Zone 7.

That is another story.

To be Continued

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