After further review and a 7 month lapse in any response from apologist Ty Bomba or Designer Jo Miranda I’m popping this bag of crud in the rubbish bin.
There are 11 questions posted from 7 months ago, plus the ‘obvious if you play tested it you would have seen it set up’ questions I asked. No answers.
Little incentive for magazine game designers to support a game. They are too busy planning the next 12 months of same rules, different map b.s to be bothered supporting post $$$$ taken games.
Ah yes – yet another reason I have learning to pretty much avoid magazine games. Feels more like shovel-ware than a game in the vast majority of cases and they are already working on the next 3 issues, so why support one that has captured your cash!
Kev, I have shared this video to Joe Miranda and CSW’s War in the Megacity folder. I will tell you if he responds…
I appreciate the. But there are 11 question on BGG unanswered fron a player as well. Its not just my inability to work it out. They have potential fans left hanging. Its silly and not in anyones best interests. But thanks for watching and commenting!