Sneak Peek:
Guess the topic, the designer and or the Publisher and I shall send one person a free game set in the same era [If more than one guess’s correctly I shall do a draw]. So include your name in the comments here. Note = No Facebook, Twitter or YouTube entries will be considered.
The games activations run on a card draw mechanism.
Command is critical to how you will exercise your forces on the map.
Each activation provides some specific actions and capabilities for certain units.
This game system is a derivative of the designers other efforts. Taken in some new directions.
Could be anything right!
Looks like a Lock and Load Rule Book to me. Card pull is the new chit pull?
Legion Games; post ww2 conflict; somewhere in Asia
Ouch… way off!
Some kind of brigade-level American Civil War game – reference to multiple scenarios so could be generic, but from the art I want to say Battle of the Wilderness campaign. Fonts are hard to go on but I’d guess Hollandspiele. Won’t chance guessing the designer. Brian Train
Good effort!
Hi Kevin,
I would say the topic is the American Civil War. Not sure if I can guess at more than that.
Thank you for your excellent content and willingness to offer some advice (was on Boardgamegeek).
On the right track!
Battle of Gettysburg at the brigade-level
G’day Kevin, hope all is going well.
I believe it could be a new Maurice Suckling ACW game from Worthington Publishing.
American revolution
America. Revolution
Can I guess?
Wilderness campaign
ACW yes. Wilderness no!