Uman Pocket: [T10] July 10-11 /3

Post combat the Soviets, begin movement, and to recap let’s look at where they started:

By the end of their movement they have not withdrawn as far in the center as expected.

In fact they have almost left two lines. 1 a screen the other the beginnings of a river defense. I’m hopeful that we can pocket a large portion of them, especially since the road to Fastov is open.

As we move to Turn 10 [July 10th 11th ] :

Weather stays dry. Only 6 air fail to recover and we now have a solid handle on the supply situation as MSU enter the board in addition to the usual turn arrivals.

Axis movement is like so:

As you can see Units fell back along the Koronets road, and abandoned Zhitomir. Will not a strong attack with trusted elements from 11th Pzr and 13th  be able to overcome the lone unit there.

131st and 200th Inf, may be out of position, we had a snafu on ZOCs’.

So subject to where they end up an attack may occur there. Meanwhile 25th Mot. And 14th Pzr will push back the NKVD elements near the supply route.

The OOS [ forces move with -2MP but still allow for a position to be taken up near Paripsy. By 11th and 16th Mot. SSLAH and 16th Pzr occupy Berdichev. While the rest of the Germans move to corral the Soviets away from the road on both sides and look for cherry picking overruns. 9th Panzer will attempt to over run 5 XXXX HQ in Salnitsa if decent odds can we obtained.

In the South Axis forces seek to drive deep also and induce a retreat. Out of picture a force at the Dnestr is attempting to brute force a crossing, while we seek to cross on the Rezina- Koshnitsa area of the Dnestr. By lunging so deep we force the Soviet to stretch or perhaps even attempt counter attacks for which they are ill prepared to conduct. Being OOS is not a major issue for the Axis if they can mass forces for higher odds attacks.

Next we will declare attacks and see what the Reaction phase brings the Axis player as the Russians seek to deal with the move. I have not heard any reactionary comment yet to the move. So hopefully we have our opponent scratching his head….in a good way!