Well this is an interesting turn of events with the movement of 20Tk we have pressed much deeper and potentially accelerated our attack plan. The Soviet player requested a do over for a unit [20TK]. This means we had to re do my move in that area as I had to go ‘around’ 20Tk with a lot of units. It’s on Vassal so its easy enough to fix. May have been a major tactical error on Soviet part.
Subject to how the attacks roll out below we have a number of options open to us. I’m eager to tighten the pocket AND become kinetic with Kiev ASAP. In order to do that Korosten needs to stay isolated [ which is why we dropped interdict markers on Kiev-Korosten rail] and we need to be able to push up a bridge unit to isolate Kiev from the EAST!
In this set of circumstances, we feel like we are inside the Soviet decision loop pretty early in the game. Surprising him with the deeper drive. His comments are around ‘hating this era of the Soviet war machine, and needing to think’ !!!! GOOD! So what could the Soviet do?
Germans attack situation and resolution of combat:
A classic example of “don’t attack unless you need to” we could have pocketed guys here and moved on… Instead we attack at 4:1 and lose a precious step. In exchange for 2 of theirs. Zhitomir gets clobbered for 1 step loss also. Damn it. Well you can’t have it all.
The Soviets alluded to a pocket forming… I hope he means the tiny one West of Zhitomir. I don’t want him to cotton on so early to the larger pocket…In the meantime the German must press onto Kiev!
Once again, the tell-tale sign of good fortune below is the third attack I would have been forced to take on due to the 20Tk units positions. Thank you STAVKA for ordering the strategic move to the rear! With this attack avoided we barrel down the road!

In the South we need to cross the Bessarabia river border and fling back soviets resistance. Using RU units to isolate and free up higher quality German units for move and combat.
The below attack will go in at either 6:1 or 7:1 with a +2 as best I can figure.
Result: In this critical attack, we clear the area and German units advance across the river. I’m hoping this forces a panic move by the Soviet and a wholesale retreat. This area would be easy to bottle up if I can’t drive him out quickly.
Below the Ger. 239th and RU units lead the way forcing a retreat and helping form a nice pocket the 30th Mtn attacked under a 8:1 not 10:1 is also forced to retreat.
Units that stand in the way of our drive on the Dnester have to go! Germans will switch advance to hit Rezina after the road is cleared and the enemy begin their likely retreat on Odessa. With any luck all the forces around Beltsy will collapse or die within a turn or two, allowing rail to press into provide full supply..Theseunits in the pocket also block rail head movement.
Mot. Phase.
Why am I advancing piecemeal? It’s a good question. For two reasons:
1. to displace the Soviet plan, and force him to ‘rush to defend’ areas that are a stretch, versus perhaps consolidating all the armour such as he has and attacking Berdichev.
2. His choice matrix I hope will be Attack Berdichev area units at about 3-4:1 OR reinforce Kiev which looks threatened. EVEN tho my forces are OOS or soon will be they are a perceived threat. Nothing in front of Kiev can attack me with any chance of success, he might force a step loss on a surround if he can get it, which I doubt. So we want him focussed upon Kievor his soon to be pocketed units.
The biggest risk Axis forces take is how weakly defended Berdichev is. However I’m banking on a further two things here.
- That the last couple of attacks sucked for him, and
- 2, he will want to ‘rescue’ surrounded units and or protect Kiev.
As long as the Axis player protects the supply line there is little chance of him thwarting a big assault on Kiev is 3-4 turns.
End Turn State for Axis:
Interestingly the turn ends up with a long thing grey line covering the road. The rail can only advance on the same segment 4 hexes. Yet with just 2 rail heads in the Northern section we cannot extend more than 4 hexes of rail head that are of value. Can you move railheads? It says you start with 5? Is that a limit?
Now over to the Soviets for their Mot. Movement phase which they run promptly. The general theme is one of retreat..but not as fast as I hoped. This might present problems. The large lump of Armour sitting near Berdichev is a threat. It would appear that he is preparing to assess his options around a counter attack from East and West. If the weather stays fine inserting ourselves in between these forces to break up any attack might be a way to go. Also as I look on, the HQ ability to activate non mech units could be vital to the Soviet cause in enabling a delay or a real counter attack with some bite.
It might be time to go Headquarter hunting. Based on what we have here it would appear that there are only 1 or 2 viable attacks at 1:2 and 1: respectively. Down South on Map F there is even less opportunities.
The Soviets retreat slowly above. They conduct no attacks, during the wrap up phase we place several units into Emergency supply, and extend the German rail lines.
On to turn 11 July 12-13