Continuing from HERE
If we can source some VPs this turn we can get very close to an Auto Victory.
This turn if we pick up Kharkov [ it has one step], Mariupol, and Konotop, that is 14 with the already cleared but not captured Konstantinkova.
Where else can we secure points in turn 7 & 8.

Most of these are out of reach. But if we press hard lets see what can happen. Any attack is a good attack this turn.

The Germans fall back here!

Attack North of Kharkov go well.

Kharkov falls and the VPS roll our way.

Follow on breakthru attacks force back the German Panzers and inflict losses.

The turn wraps up and we are SO CLOSE.. 1 VP short of an Auto win!

German Turn 7:

Big news is Germans recapture Konotop. They now take advantage of our rush for VP’s seeking to captialize and kill some easy Soviet steps.
SW of Kharkov, they knock steps around and open some gaps, but do not have forces enough to protect flanks, penetrate and hold the Soviets at bay.

You can either Move, Or Attack, or Defend… you cant do all three well.
Soviets start Turn 8 with a lot of units OOS, but via a daisy chain of supply get forces moving quickly again.
Compared to last turn just a hand ful of attacks go in. With pressure being placed on the South of Chaplino just East of Dnepr river. North of there near Pavlograd Soviets attack and force back another mech unit.
To the North a large offensive forces a step and full retreat of an Infantry division SW of Kharkov, along the Valki-Merefa axis [ 3 hexes SW of Kharkov, Exploit attacks or break through attacks widen the gap and leave few uits exposed to the two big nasty German mech Divisions threatening the center.
Just North of Poltava the Soviets break in here too. Placing more pressure on the line.

But now we are closing in on the Dnepr River.