With the start of turn 3, many of the Soviet attacking formations are now past the defensive fortifications.
This reduces column shifts against the Soviets and makes life a little better. Despite that they still struggle in the North to obtain better than 2:1. But the results they earn are at least pushing the Germans back at great cost to solidarity and unity of their line.

West and South of Kharkov two good 5:1 attack do in, and we inflict heavy losses that allow us to push deeper into the rear of the German line.

By using the supply chits instead of flipping arty unite to be able to fire we place Soviet forces back into supply. The Soviets need to move the SoWest rail head!

I hummed and harr’d here a while. Do we risk a bold attack?
In the center the Soviets advance toward Stalino:

In the South Taganrog is assaulted with Air and Arty at a skinny 2:1. But the attack is successful, cost us 2 steps. This forces the Germans out of the city and we now have a tiny hinge!

End of Soviet Turn

The Germans do not counter attack! They cant find good odds, and we have chipped away at powerful units. Note the uber tank GD Regiment situated in the center in Mirogorod. This is the Fire Brigade Division in fact, and allows the Germans to pick up +2 Column shifts at will…. OUCH!