As we dig into Turn 8, the inexorably powerful Soviet machine advances ever West.
In a recessed or stand off defense the Eastern German forces stack up to defend. Not a good idea.
The Soviets make one attack at 2:1 and another at 4:1 and a final attack at 7:1.
The kick in the nuts for both sides….
Results are doubled. Yes. Doubled. Now the Germans receive the Tactical adeptness benefit on the attack. But still. OUCH

The result 1 Panzer division +3 steps lost for the Axis and the Soviets lose a step on their best division Tank Guard Corps and 7 other steps.
Oh. No replacements in the East either. What you see if what you got, plus a few miserly reinforcements.
You lost two panzer divisions.
Probably Austin, One was a Pzr Division the unit under it wasn’t I thought?
No need to gloat you will get yours next turn.
What is the point of me logging in as Anonymous when you feel the need to blow my cover? You also lost a cavalry division. Simply devastating. Putin is now considering a proposal to make me a Hero of the Soviet Union. Keep your fingers crossed. Giggle.
What am I gunna do with you.