TTWW:1989 Road to War/2

Continued from Part 1


A press briefing was held early at the White House, a weary Press Secretary, spun up the cycle by reading from a pre prepared script and taking no questions. “The President at the behest of unnamed ‘moderate forces’ inside Iran had requested US intervention” [ though some called this an invasion] “to assist with humanitarian aid, security and stability! ”
Stunned silence then a cacophony of questions were launched all at once.

Seasoned reporters noted all the trappings of war preparations in the Gulf. Large air formations, increased base activity and Saudi air force activity ramping up 30-40%. Something was up. Regular patrol flights aggressively over the gulf signalled trouble.

Then as if on cue, TV and radio reported simultaneous armed actions in all the major cities of Iran from Tabriz to Esfhan. Iranian Soldiers fought Iranian soldiers, the Iranian Guard held key locations, while trying to rally forces loyal to the current leader Ali Khamenei , while ‘Akbar Shah’ lead a fierce ‘resistance’ citing genocide against fellow Iranians and a war footing that would ignite war with Iraq again. He called upon the US to send ‘peacekeepers’.


‘Sir F14 and F15 fighter bombers supported by our coalition partner[s] the Saudis struck military targets in Esfhan, with minimal collateral damage. Severe damage was done to Loyalist forces. I strongly advise we not escalate this much more sir. The Russians, and in fact the world is very nervous. ”

‘Yes, what about Bandar? Didn’t Loyalist forces attack the port and the Iranian freedom fighters there?” ‘Mr President, Sir, Freedom fighters is a bit a stretch. The Iranian Guard sacrificed itself to clear the port and regain control of the area.”

‘Listen, lassie we are in this to win this, no one fucks with me or America. Send in the Marines and secure that port for our ally!’

“NO!!” the aide yelled, ‘We cant do that. This will lead to war…to…to. To World War III.’

‘Hey you, security secret service guy – escort that person from the white house. She is fired. In fact, arrest her for something. The rest of you understand something, we are not going to war. We have been invited to help stabilize a key partner who also happens to hold the keys to our economic recovery. Not to mention my re election. Right guys..right! I mean come on man! A war will boost the economy and take peoples minds off how bad you lot have run things’ The President looked around the room, smiled at everyone. ‘Right GREAT! I’m going to take a nap. Call me when we land our boys in Bandar!’