I have been re reading parts of Charles Mac Donald’s A Time For Trumpets; what a fantastic book!
This led me to gather up the maps from Last Blitzkrieg to see certain areas, then dig into more detail for the Clearveaux region, which had me digging out that cold favorite- Bloody 110.
There are many skirmishes and personal accounts here that merit squad level action!

This weekend I’m playing with Mike Denson of Last 100 Yards fame. Maybe he can build a Bulge pack of scenarios?!!!

Terrific idea — but why go to all the trouble of making a bunch of special Bloody 110 scenarios? You have the operational game in LB and you have the tactical game in Bloody 110. Just play Last Blitzkrieg and let it generate the tactical situations. Then just set them up in Bloody 110 and apply results back into LB. Way more fun (to me) and more realistic in that your tactical battles will all take place within this wider context of the fight for Clervaux.
Hey Gina, The two maps systems were for comparison as I read. I was thinking of tactical squad level Ala – LNLT/OST/LHY style! But I hear you on the idea around LB for sure!
After watching your talk on A Time For Trumpets from GMT Im waiting for that to come out.Waiting some time.