Third World War: 1989 Road to War/1

Compass Games Third World War Campaign play:


President Jacob Braydon surveyed his cabinet members. Most of them were power hungry bastards fixated on my early demise he thought. They suspected but none really knew just how bad his disease was. But gawd damn it, he was not about to give up power to the vacuous bitch sitting to his left. I’ll die in the chair before that, I’ll do things my way and I will change the world for the better. Screw ’em all, he thought. His mind wandered away to better days, an easier life and more peaceful times.

His reverie was interrupted by the sanctimonious cuckold running DOD, whatever her name was. She was currently asking what they should do about the Middle East and rising tensions in Iran, Syrian, Jordan, and Iraq. It was obvious but of course the game of deferral and gotchas had to be played. He tuned back in.

Everyone knew that Iranian bastard Ali Kha-whathis name was the problem. He needed a bullet, for shutting oil off from the US. But so far insiders and agents had failed to kill him. But he couldn’t tell anyone that, just his man at the CIA knew the goings on. We need that other guy, the Akbar Rafsanjani dude….He wanted some sort of republic and had agreed to work with us on oil. If we could keep the Russians nose from under the tent that could pay big dividends for American and my personal interests he mused.

Akbar Shah had beaten the Iraqis to a stand still, and could speak English. Could he carry the Army to the US side if a Civil War broke out? Could we take the country peaceably…or at least mitigate losses? Hell they had 83 million people, some poor goat herder would die, so be it, Oil was the answer.

“This presidency will be the best presidency ever” He suddenly said. Every one stopped. ” I mean it. We need to secure Iran, get Jordan and Israel on our side and keep the Centrist and Iranian Army in our pocket. We will get those damn Iraqi’s to sit it out. Then. Well then we can take the oil we need to fuel an economic boom.”


Pussies. They are afraid, he can see it in their eyes. “Come on man, Diplomacy, diplomacy. Make it work. But be ready if it goes pear shaped.” There they all breathed out. ‘The whacky old man, saw sense’ look is back in their eyes. For a moment he had almost lost them. Let his guard down.

They will see. But then it will be too late.


“Mikhail, you have to help me the Generals want war.” Said Sergei Shoigu the Defence Minister said. Gorbachev flashed a rare smile. ‘Tell them no. We wait, we will not be the enemy of the world my friend, rather its saviour from Imperial Capitalist aggression. But keep them busy, I want to see an updated plan based on the latest intelligence from the US DOD for Operation Bald Eagle.’

Sergei, slowly set down the fine china cup unsteadily and black tea slopped over the side, splashing the white linen, making a noisy final approach to the saucer. ‘Sir, seriously? Bald Eagle? But..but..but Mikhail, please, not Bald Eagle. I….’ Mikhail’s hand pounded the table so viciously that the tea cup bounced, spilling its tea. It sloshed over the saucer, spreading a ominous dark stain across the pristine white linen on the tiny coffee table in Gorbachev’s office. ‘Shut up. I said update. It may never be needed. But it is the only way we win if the American showing of peaceful overtures are a trap. The only way.’ He sat back, sighed and massaged his birthmark and said once more, ‘the only way Sergei.’



Pre War:

As the Soviet Unions diplomats raced around on planes, KGB agents were spreading money and weapons.

CNN, and world news outlets raced to control both facts, and narrative. All were attempting to make sense of a heightened sense of urgency that had gripped the world as Oil Prices rose, economies were rocked, and the Cold War which had been on a low simmer for several years suddenly reached boiling point.

The Saudi Crown Prince announced a new partnership with the American devil inflaming tensions with Israel, and causing cheers in the mountains bordering the plains of Iraq and Iran, all were pleased.


Fresh arms deals with Iran, more equipment and special training advisors fed their way into the Iranian system escalating tensions ad the Soviets doubled down and pushed hard currency into Communist sympathisers hands to bribe, cajole and extort members to support the regime.


Generals opened Swiss bank accounts, acquired international residences and prepared to win what ever side succeed.


As diplomatic efforts began to flow against the Russians they denounced Israeli Zionist activists, and rounded up bank executives and technologists on trumped up charges.



“Bring our RDF force capability to ready 7.” Said the President. He then held a long thin hand up, ‘hush, don’t argue, do it. We cannot allow the Soviets to invade Iran.’

His security council despite their best efforts to assert there was no imminent threat from the Soviets acquiesced. After all he had been on the phone with Iranian Generals for the past 3 days. Something big was brewing. A coup? But by who?


In a stunning magnanimous effort according to world news the US send $1B in aid and weapons to the beleaguered Iraqis, just days before Satellite intel leaked to the public showed Soviet force Mobilizing on the Southern borders, pressing dangerously close to Iran’s borders from several direction’s.

Will war break out?

Could this Cold War finally turn hot?

Would the Soviet Union really invade Iran?