Less than 60 miles is a mash up in a refined, sexy European kind of way of NATO Division Commander and Central Front System. Two arguably iconic, yet flawed SPI game systems that broke new ground and really expanded our thinking about how a ‘Hot WWIII’ might reveal itself.
over at Thin Red Line you can read play thrus, see extensive designer notes. Or just do what I am doing and register your interest here over at BGG : https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2099668/official-reserve-copy-thread . Last time Fabrizio released a game it sold out, he did another small run and it is all gone too I think. So, forewarned is forearmed.
I cant speak to how well it will play, or what the end play experience will be like, but based upon his first game release Under an Iron Sky, the quality will be excellent and the errata nominal.
DEFCON 1 Further news
I’m doing some serious sucking up so I get an early release copy to play, I’ll have notes on it ASAP. That said express your interest if you have any, and lets support innovative, thoughtful and creative new designers with a your pocketbook.
A set of links to designer notes etal: HERE

Suck (up) harder, Bro!
Get us the advanced copy so we can test it out and lemme know when I can pre-order!
Excited for this.