NW:P Tactical Surprise/3

Tensions continue to rise as the political, multi-media and military forces ebb and flow across the region. Continued from Part 1

Aircraft Carrier somewhere in the Baltics:

Air Command – “Package away, Weasels inbound on Soviet SAM and air Defences. Escorts are clearing a strike run.”

Polish News Now: Brave Polish Pilots attacked deadly S-400 sites today in an effort to prevent total dominance in the sky by Russias offensive S-400 SAM batteries. Russian officials had no comment.

AWACS Report. Inbound enemy craft likely targeting Polish HQ. No Interceptors are available. Damage assessment from ground teams pending.

CNN Reports 82nd Airborne HQ has attacked today by alleged Soviet aircraft. CNN reporters did not see the attack and no footage was available. Our sources suggest that the US is playing up the damage and using this as an opportunity to escalate with Russia.

Excerpts from COMBAT_SYSLOG_Streams_11.119.1628.60-705:

Frank-35_08-09-10 geo synch group log report, enemy unit id logged. Offensive measures engaged by pilots of 08-09-10.

Missile fired. Missile Fired. Missile Fire. Target destroyed, Target Destroyed Target Destroyed. 08-09-10 undetected. 08-09-10 close range additional targets identified. Missile fired, Missile Fired, Missile Fired. All Targets destroyed. END LOG