In Sacred Oil and DNL finding the enemy at sea or worse in a LOC location is hard. Your base chance is 13> on a 1d20.
But when searching in a LOC you must subtract -2 for the target being in a LOC, and -2 if its DET level is 0 [given all detections reset to zero after a combat I’m not sure how it can be detected not using just this modifier? Maybe evasion? When would they have a DET level of 3?] So that means we require a 17, just a 20% [EDIT] of spotting the enemy. Seems about right.
Enter the Intel ship. If you roll a 11 or higher on a 1d20 it adds per target 1 to the DET level for the duration of the interception attempt and combat.
So does that mean the target automatically starts at det level 1? Reducing the DRMs and giving the interceptor a higher probability of success? 5/20?
Or does it mean if successful on the detection the # goes from detection level 1 to 2?
The Intel ship impacts combat also. Big difference when we go to Naval combat. Which again has the Detection level raised by 1. Is that in addition to the 1 from earlier cumulative and the successful detection so a 3 for combat? [EDIT] – Designer confirms the cumulative effect for that AGI increase. Very cool. Next interception it of course resets to 0.
Combat modifiers are extremely harsh for missile and ASW as far as Detection levels go so that all matters.
Are there WWII equivalents of PBYs?
Hi Kev!
Yes, if the Intel Ship rolls good at the beginning of the interception attempt, then all the enemy surface units involved in the interception have their Detection Level increased by one for the duration of the interception and any subsequent naval combat.
So, if enemy Detection Level is 0 when interception is declared, it becomes 1 before interception is rolled. (see 31.16)
If Interception is successful, the enemy Detection Level then goes up again from 1 to 2 for the duration of the subsequent naval combat (see 31.8.1, point 8)
Finally, Detection Level modifiers do not “stick” between Interceptions. So each Interception attempt (and possible naval combat) must determine the enemy Detection Level by consulting the Detection Tables. In shorter words, the enemy of our example will be back at Detection Level 0.
ok. The cumulative effect was what I suspected. This is not really as clear though as it could be. Or perhaps for once I over thought something and was correct! LOL
Ah, and the base probability to intercept in your example is 20% (17, 18, 19 or 20)
math..its a thing.