ER Bickford
It takes place somewhere in Northwest Anatolia.The set up shows the initial dispositions. The Crusaders are somewhat out-numbered initially but have significant reinforcements on the way from the west.
To begin, Robert of Normandy has a formation of Norman knights and then Bohemund of Taranto Sicilian Norman knights. These are diffucult to knock out. The weak area is the right flank where Peter the Hermit has an array of camp followers that have nothing to offer to the battlefield. The reat of the vulnerable formations are encamped behind the lines of knights.
Eventually, Raymond of Toulouse will arrive from the west with the Aquitaine knights, followed by Adhemar of Le Pay, with his Provincial knights. Then Godfrey of Bouillon with Burgundian knights and Robert of Flanders with a formation of Flemish knights.Last, Hugh of Vermandois with Lorraine knights, if he makes it in time for the battle.
Meanwhile, the Seljuk army is lead by Kilij Arslan I. His forces are mostly Sedjuk cavalry. Much of the forces are archers with no shock ability at all. They mainly use ride up, fire arrows, and ride away tactics. The knights stand up against this well, but the camp followers and pike infantry, not so much.

Dorylaeum July 1, 1097 AD
The first activation goes to the Seljuk Army, which is lead by Kilij Arslan I. His army consists entirely of cavalry and archer cavalry. Hasan of Cappodocia begins by driving forward with his cavalry formation. The Persian archers ride towards Peter the Hermit’s line, while the Cappodocian cavalry covers their right flank.
Then Gazi and the Danishmend archers obtain a continuation and ride forward into the Sicilian knights on the Christian line on the left side. These archers uses hit and run tactics and manage to leave one formation of knights disordered. The knights however do not retire but simply retreat.
Next, the Seljuk cavalry on the right flank ride forward with the intent to strike the camp on the left flank. There is still no contact.
Robert of Normandy takes the Christian free activation and splits his force. He orders his crusaders to cover the left flank of the camp from the Seljuk cavalry coming in from the east. There is no contact.
Hasan continues to ride toward Peter the Hermit’s position to wipe out his camp followers. The Persian archers are used to fire at the camp followers and to run. Then the Cappodocian cavalry move in from the right. Since the archery fire did little damage, the cavalry hold back.

Persian horse archers against camp followers
The Turks gain another continuation and this time Gazi and the Danishmend perform another hit-and –run against the Sicilian knights. This has little effect on the well armored knights.
Bohemund of Taranto activates to recover his disordered Sicilian knights. Then Robert of Normandy gets a continuation. This allows him to maneuver his Norman knights to cover the left flank of the camp.
Hasan and the Persian archers pick off a number of Peter the Hermit’s camp followers with their archery. Then the Cappodocian Cavalry ride forward and leave two more formations disordered. These retreat as well.
Next, the Christians activate Peter the Hermit and he attempts to move some of his line back toward the camp. Some of the disordered camp followers are unable to break free from the Cappodocian cavalry.
The Persian archers continue to harass Peter the Hermit’s men, and more are killed. Then the Cappodocian cavalry attacks and destroys two more formations that were already disordered. The Christians have accumulated 5 flight points.

Peter the Hermit continues to fall back toward the camp and to join ranks with some of the Norman knights on the western side of the battlefield. The Christians obtain a continuation and Bohemund of Taranto rallies a disordered group of Sicilian knights.
Hasan of Cappodocia uses his Persian archers to eliminate one of Peter’s camp units which was straggling behind as the rest of the line fell back. The Turks fail to gain a continuation.
Then Peter the Hermit rallies one of his groups of camp followers. These form a line with some of Robert’s Norman knights. The Christians are unable to continue. The Turks activate.
Again Hasan of Cappodocia uses his Persian archers to weaken Peter’s position. The pike men are hit and disordered. This allows two formations of Cappodocian cavalry to strike. As a result the pike men retire. Gazi activates with a continuation and the Danishmend archers hit the eastern part of the Christian position. These are mostly Sicilian and Norman knights. Many become disordered under the hail of arrows. In a near miracle, the Seljuk cavalry on the eastern flank obtain a continuation. These slam into the disordered Norman and Sicilian knights.
Robert of Normandy is wondering where the reinforcements are? Meanwhile, he counterattacks with the Norman knights against the Seljuk medium cavalry on the eastern flank. These forces are hit hard and driven back.

Raymond of Toulouse finally enters from the western edge of the battlefield with his complement of Aquitaine knights. These enter toward Hasan’s Cappodocians which are engaged with Peter the Hermit’s formation. Bohemund of Taranto actives on a continuation and this allows him to rally his disordered knights.
Hasan of Cappodocia sees Raymond of Toulouse and the Aquitaine knights coming into his rear area. He orders the Persian archers and the Cappodocian cavalry to ride off into the Christian camp. Raymond’s knights follow closely. If the Turks attack the camp, they will pay for it.

Hasan’s Persian archers wipe out two of the pike formations in the camp. This causes the Christian flight level to climb to 8 points. The Cappodocian cavalry set up a defensive position against Raymond’s Aquitaine knights. This is probably a bad idea. The Seljuk cavalry on the eastern battlefield obtain a continuation and rally some of the disordered groups. Then they are able to get into formation.
Raymond of Toulouse and the Aquitaine knights advance on Hasan’s Cappodocian cavalry. There is no contact yet. Failing a continuation, allows the Turks to resume their attack against the camp. Hasan’s Persian archers destroy two more of the Christian pike infantry, while the Cappodocian cavalry fall back.
The Seljuk cavalry on the eastern flank ride in and hit the Norman knights with archer fire. Then these shock attack. The Norman knights are disordered but hold up well although attacked in the front and flanks. Then Raymond’s Aquitaine knights follow up on Hasan’s formation but cannot quite catch them. Hasan’s Persian archers eliminate another pike infantry unit. The Christians flight level is up to 16 points. Then the Turks obtain a continuation. The Seljuk cavalry get another shot at the disordered Norman knights. This time the knights are eliminated. The Flight level climbs to 20 points.

Raymond of Toulouse activates and brings the Aquitaine knights into contact with Hasan’s cavalry. Time has finally run out for the Cappodocian cavalry. Two formations are destroyed in the attack and the Turks flight level rests at 6 points.
The Seljuk cavalry on the eastern flank strike again and manage to destroy another of the Norman knights formations. The Christian flight points climbs to 23 points.
Adhemar of Le Pay and the Provincial knights arrive as reinforcements from the west. The Christian crusaders obtain a continuation and Raymond of Toulouse continues his relentless drive at the Cappodocian cavalry and another formation is destroyed. The rest of his Aquitaine knights attack the Seljuk archers along the east flank. The knights cause one group of Seljuk cavalry to retire and another is disordered and retreats.
The Seljuk cavalry on the eastern flank activate and attack the Norman knights again, eliminating another with effective archery fire. The Crusader’s flight points continue to rise. (25-11) Then Kilij Arsalan brings his cavalry toward the west as he is alerted that Le Pay’s Provincial knights are arriving.
The Provincial knights advance from the west toward the Seljuk cavalry in the center. These are still not in contact.

The Seljuk cavalry on the eastern flank hit again with their arrows, without much effect. One of the disordered archer units manages to get away. Gazi’s Danishmend cavalry perform hit-and-run archery tactics on the Norman knights in the center. Some formations are disordered and retreat. There are no other real effects.
Le Pay advances with the Provincial knights on the western flank, but still out of contact. Then the Crusaders obtain a continuation and Raymond’s Aquitaine knights attack the eastern flank, destroying some of the Cappodocian cavalry. Hasan is killed.
The Seljuk cavalry attempts to hit the Provincial knights with their archers but his has little effect. Then Le Pay strikes back and hits the Seljuk archers with Kilij Arsalan’s formation. The archers let a hail of arrows fly, but to no avail. Two more groups are eliminated. Raymond of Toulouse obtains a continuation and his Aquitaine knights inflict more damage to the Seljuk cavalry on the eastern map.

Robert of Normandy obtains a continuation and rails against the eastern Seljuk cavalry. The cavalry is already disordered from Raymond of Toulouse’s attack. This attack goes well and the Norman knights are victorious. However, Robert of Normandy is killed. The flight levels are Crusader 27 Turks 24.
Raymond of Toulouse obtains another continuation. He strikes at Hasan’s cavalry. The units are disordered but not destroyed. The Turks decide to activate their standard and thereby recover a number of retired groups.
Adhemar of Le Pay and his Provincial knights strike the Seljuk cavalry and the disordered cavalry at the Seljuk Standards. A number of units are eliminated. In a continuation, Raymond of Toulouse attacks the Seljuk cavalry on the east flank and eliminates the remaining groups. What is left of this formation is disordered and rounded up at the Seljuk standards.

The Turks attempt a little action against the Norman knights but this is a failure. The arrows fail to penetrate and the melee fails as well, leaving the Seljuk cavalry disordered. Then the Crusaders receive another reinforcing group. Godfrey of Bouillon and his Burgundian knights arrive from the west. Then Raymond of Toulouse obtains a continuation and hacks away at the eastern flank of the Turks. More units are eliminated and one of the Seljuk standards is captured. Next, Adhemar of Le Pay pushes his Provincial knights into the Turks left flank and destroys a number of cavalry formations.

The Crusaders obtain more continuations and Adhemar of Le Pay’s Provincial knights and Raymond of Toulouse’s Aquitaine knights are closing the Turks from east and west, with Godfrey and the Burundians ready to pick up the slack. The Turks finally flee the battlefield as their morale plummets.

Why is this tagged GBOH?
Whilst it is a Men of Iron series game it is in essence a. a GBoH like title, b. ancients/medieval era c. most people who like GBoH or similar will like or want to see this eras combat as well. More posts and content here also FYI :