The 1/2 way mark!

games this yr

As the year approaches its half way mark, I’ve always thought of the longest day of the year [Summer Solstice] as the real half way mark, so this year it is June 20th….can we just say wow! What an insane time we are in.

I’ve packed up most of my in progress games in the physical realm, and am slowing down my game play pace on VASSAL.

In the image above, Yellow stars represent in progress games. But I note that my current 2nd game of UK’43 is not registering with BGG…go figure.  Also missing is the War in the Pacific  solo Midway scenario I played.
Red stars show games I started/stopped. That I have the intention of rotating back to soon.

The purple star…well that is special. I finished one short scenario, and started the campaign, got 15 turns done, but got a bit frustrated so we are moving to different module in the GCACW system. Its a wounded beast to me, so we moving on.

33 games, 20 different titles/systems and 9 of them new systems or series.

I’m not making predictions about game play at the moment for the second half of the year.

I’m taking a bit of a break and reading rules and books on some of those games.

At the moment I’m reading rules for:

October War                        Oil War

Panzer Expansion IV            VI against Rome

Red Star White Star             Roads to Gettysburg II

War in the Pacific*               Great Battles of ACW

*Re reading as I hope to play a little more….its a stupidly big rulebook.

On the book shelf which I am currently reading:  An army at dawn by Rick Atkins, Fighting by minutes Rob Leonhard, Wages of Destruction Adam Tooze and Auchinleks Command by Barrie Pitt [check my Good Reads profile].

Some cool Sci fi too. This years goal for reading I am behind, with a goal of 60 books, Im sitting right at 28 for the year.


Tell me about your year so far in gaming, and reading. How is it going? What have you played that you loved, that was new to you? What have you read that was excellent!




13 thoughts on “The 1/2 way mark!

  1. I’m learning through GCACW and RTG2 as well. Intro to system. What’s great is you can do something short and sweet or something nice and meaty and you have fun either way.

  2. My year has had it ups and downs. Downs: dealing with the end of Carmen’s cancer treatment, then our bout of Covid-19, and my layoff from work. Needless to say, my “game-fu” was not optimal. I’ve managed a game of Great War Commander, some Vassal play of Raid on St. Nazaire (that I need to get back to eventually), and a bit of Wing Leader – a system that I really need to hunker down and learn intimately. On the other hand, my painting desk has been a beehive of activity, and I’ve cranked out numerous Empress Miniatures USMC/NVA (including an Ontos!), Iron Duke Miniatures Indian Mutiny, and Perry Sudan and ACW miniatures. I find the painting desk a place to put everything on hold and regain a little morale that has been lost during the job search. I look forward to more of your videos this year!!!

  3. Oh, and I’m reading Atkinson’s newest book The British are Coming – excellent!

  4. Kev, where do you get the little explosion and red arrow markers? I can’t find those anywhere…

      1. Thanks! Sent him an e-mail and awaiting a reply. i may have to buy LITKO markers instead.

  5. Hi Kev

    This year so far have solo played

    GB2/Case Blue Summer 42 scenario – abandoned as just not focused enough to keep momentum in such a big game – but I love the scale and scope. WIll try again soon.

    Thunder in the East – Barbarossa scenario – massive German victory despite exploring a number of different opening defences for the Soviets. I really enjoyed it – looking forward to the Med variant

    Holland 44 – really esay to play, think i messed up rules a but on advance after combat – massive German victory (hmmm theme emerging here)

    Deadly Northern Lights – Scenario 3 – NATO won as in 5 turns just too hard for WP to capture all the ports/city hexes – I think northern Denmark can fall easily but only if they basically surrender. Really makes me want to give a full game of UAIS as go – its a biggie but needs a lot of admin Especially where aircraft are based And can range to – but in the previous game they seemed to have way too much! Also as a Brit I am going to allow UK Harriers to base at heliports as well as normal air bases.

    Currently Playing – OCS Korea – June to Sept scenario – am going to try and post this one once have finished – so far KPA have got to the outskirts of Pusan 3 times but just cant get it done! US forces now very significant and UN “AirPower” is just too much

    Next up – going to try La Bat – Dresde , then L2 Streets of Stalingrad if it arrives form the seller. I also have the “No Mercy” eastern front game and now the MEd and Western theatre additions so am going to try and put them all together if I can.


  6. Games I have recently played: Stalingrad 42, Atlanta is Ours, Campaigns of 1777, Nations in Arms, The African Campaign, A Pragmatic War, and Quatre Batailles en Espagne. I was most surprised by Campaigns of 1777. It was a fast paced, simple, but fun nail-bitter of a game.

    Next up will be Death Valley (GBACW) and Hungarian Rhapsody (OCS) followed by Tonkin (Legion Games).

    I have also painted a lot this year, 15mm Seven Years War, and played several Honours of War battles. I find painting and miniatures very relaxing during crazy times.

    Best current books are The British Are Coming by Atkinson and From the Realm of a Dying Sun by Douglas Nash. If you ever want an in-depth operational understanding of a Panzer Corps during WWII, Realm is the best book I have found.

    Hope you have a great 2nd Half of 2020.

  7. Great Hobbying! Admire your tenacity and perspicacity. #RollDice

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