Thanksgiving..My stomach and waist line do not thank you!

After the usual Turkey,  Friends visiting, our son in town from college and a ridiculous amount of food..what do you do?

You of course save that ONE LAST piece of Pavalova….you know… for later. So much for all the hard work over the last 3 months….exploded in an orgy of sugar and egg whites and cream. The orgy never ends tho right?

Now its left over season, and friends bringing pot luck tonight. Im sure all of it will be healthy!! 🙂 

Enough….But that is not why I am posting.

Lets draw the winner of the Facebook Giveaway! There were 44 shares, but David Heath did 3, so that drops it to 41 Shares. While I did not specifically call it out, it has been the practice of my competitions to allow multi shares, for multi entries. Some folks were kind enough to share more than once. So you get an EXTRA chance per share.
And our winner is: 
Todd Reed ! Dang Todd!! Lucky last guy in! 
PM me with your address please.