The German Northern approach has become a bit of a mess. Units slowed down by the woods, or being hammered by the Allied arty.

In the south the Germans are preparing to mix it up with forces as they enter the area of operations

With scare ammo they need all arty strikes to go well.

These will do!

The yanks take a pasting losing at guns, and men left right and center.

While the allies are suppressed the Germans attempt to get more men into the fight.

The low caliber quality of the German 1035th really starts to show. They struggle to bring effective fires to bear and when they get a shot and take return fire they invariably suppress.

US shells rain down upon the Germans also to deadly effect. Forcing some to retreat. And inflicting heavy losses.

The US continues to unleashes a hail storm of arty and follows up with close assaults.

Both sides batter each other.

Squadrons of Shermans take on the Panthers and overwhelm them with volume of fire.

German Battalion level morale is now negatively impacting the units performance and most german units go to ground from the lightest attack.

A brave but futile attack up onto the raised road and dyke paralyses the 1035th men, where effective machine gun fire pummels them.

Its at this point with time running out for mission success that the Germans concede that they cannot achieve any of the objectives or meet their stated plans. A significant and surprising victory for the Allies. A different plan may have resulted in a better German outcome, but I suspect that we really need as the German to interdict the reinforcements and hold them, while piling all the ‘rest of a force mix’ into securing at least one of the bridges. I don’t see two being doable.

Great module, excellent scenario.